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Iran, Spain FMs discuss Palestine, bilateral ties

17 Jan 2024 - 22:21

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian met with his Spanish counterpart José Manuel Albares on the sidelines of the Davos conference.

The top Iranian diplomat pointed to the very good and age-old relations between the two countries, emphasizing the necessity of exchanging different delegations and expediting the trend of boosting reciprocal ties in various areas.

 Amir-Abdollahian also invited his Spanish counterpart to travel to Iran to move forward with negotiations on bilateral, regional and international issues.
 In response to the Spanish foreign minister’s expression of support for continuing talks to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Amir-Abdollahian said Iran was ready for all signatories to return to the agreement.
 The top Iranian diplomat expressed his gratitude for Spain’s good stance on the Palestine crisis, stressing the need to end the Israeli regime’s war on Gaza to bring tranquility to the region, adding, “The Israeli regime is making an egregious mistake as it believes it can shatter Hamas and the resistance front in Gaza by resorting to war.”
  Amir-Abdollahian underscored that Iran regards Hamas as a liberation movement which is fighting to liberate its own land, adding, “We don’t welcome the escalation and spread of war in the region, and if the United States drops its support for the Israeli regime, Israel will not be able to continue the war even for a few hours.”
 Iran's top diplomat said political solutions imposed on Palestine will not work, adding it is the Palestinian nation that should determine the future of post-war Gaza and their fate in Gaza and the West Bank.
“If previous political solutions imposed on Palestine were pragmatic, we wouldn’t witness the current crisis in Palestine now,” said the Iranian foreign minister.
 He said the only effective solution to restore tranquility to the region would be to stop the war immediately, open up humanitarian corridors, stop the forced migration of Gazans, allow the people of Gaza to return to their homes and work out a solution for a prisoner exchange.
  Amir-Abdollahian underlined stopping the war in Gaza will have an immediate impact on other areas, namely the Red Sea.
 The Spanish foreign minister, in turn, touched upon the age-old relations between the two countries, describing Iran as a very important and influential player in the region.
José Manuel Albares expressed gratitude to the Iranian foreign minister for his perspective on mutual and regional issues, welcoming the continuation of consultations and exchanges of views between the two sides in bilateral and regional areas.
 The top Spanish diplomat noted that dialog would be the best way to settle differences over the JCPOA, expressing his country’s backing for the continuation of negotiations on reviving the nuclear deal.
 The Spanish foreign minister voiced concern over the consequences of the perpetuation of war in Gaza, highlighting the need to stop war and attacks on civilians and observe international laws as well as humanitarian rights.
 He also expressed misgivings over the escalation of tensions in the Red Sea, adding the settlement of the Palestine issue will impact the whole region.
He said Spain supports a political solution to the issue of Palestine.

Story Code: 622005

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