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Spain plans to recognize Palestinian state 'before summer': Premier

2 Apr 2024 - 21:30

Spain plans to officially recognize the State of Palestine "before the summer," Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said Monday.

Sanchez made the announcement during an informal conversation with journalists accompanying him on an official trip to the Middle East, according to local media reports.

On March 9, Sanchez said he would propose that Spain’s parliament recognizes a Palestinian state.
Recently, the leaders of Spain, Ireland, Slovenia and Malta released a joint statement announcing that they will recognize a Palestinian state.
The statement said the countries’ leaders agreed that “the only way to achieve lasting peace and stability in the region is through the implementation of a two-state solution, with Israeli and Palestinian States living side-by-side in peace and security.”
EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell condemns the reported Israeli strike that killed seven aid workers from World Central Kitchen in Gaza overnight, and calls for an inquiry.
“I condemn the attack and urge an investigation. Despite all the demands to protect civilians and humanitarian workers, we see new innocent casualties,” Borrell posts on X, adding that the incident further strengthens the need for an immediate ceasefire.
Borrell called for the implementation of the UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire, full access to humanitarian aid, and enhanced protection for civilians.
US-based aid group World Central Kitchen confirms seven staff members were killed in a “targeted attack” by the Israeli military tanks and warplanes.
The organization called on Israel to stop “this indiscriminate killing” in Gaza.
It further stressed that among the victims were citizens "from Australia, Poland, the United Kingdom, a citizen holding dual American and Canadian citizenship, and a Palestinian."
Since the start of the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip on October 7, the organization has actively participated in relief operations, involving distributing food meals to civilians in the Strip.

Story Code: 630264

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Taghribnews (TNA)