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Iranian MP:

Islamic unity hinders terrorist attacks in Muslim countries

6 Oct 2013 - 13:39

An Iranian MP hailed solidarity among Muslims saying that boosting Islamic unity can prevent many terror attacks in Islamic countries.

Mansour Haghighatpour, Member of National Security and Foreign Policy of Iran’s Parliament, in an exclusive interview with Taqrib News Agency (TNA) referred to intensification of terror attacks in the Middle East countries, particularly Iraq, saying that the terror attacks are led by western countries.

He said,” We suppose terror attacks in the region to be based on capacity of Islamic countries and organized by western countries.”

Iranian MP stressed that the era for such terror attacks is over saying that these measures neither return the era of Saddam Hussein nor will bring a great achievement.

He added that the language of logic and rationality has to be hired to talks to people.

When asked on the way to take counter measure against terror attacks, he said,” Certainly these terror attacks will lead to more solidarity among people and boosts the relation between Iraqi government and nation.”

Representative of Ardebil in Iran’s Parliament denounced the enemies and said the footsteps of the Zionist regime and the US is quite visible in these terror attacks.

He stressed that such crimes can be prevented by loyal and sincere rulers which are missing in some countries where the heads of some Islamic states support and fund these terror attacks.


Story Code: 142448

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Taghribnews (TNA)