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Israeli police attack Palestinians protesting demolition of building in Nazareth Arab city

10 Feb 2022 - 10:02

Israeli police tonight violently suppressed Palestinians protesting in Nazareth, the largest Arab city in Israel, against the Israeli authorities’ demolition predawn today of an under-construction building consisting of three apartments in the eastern part of the city of Nazareth, citing unpermitted construction as a pretex

Local sources said the residents of Nazareth staged a peaceful demonstration to protest against the Israeli government's policies against them, and to denounce the first of its kind demolition in the city of Nazareth, holding the Israeli authorities responsible for what happened.
The Nazareth municipality announced a general strike and the closure of its offices tomorrow in protest against the Israeli policies practiced against the people of the city, the latest of which was the demolition of the building.

Story Code: 538062

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Taghribnews (TNA)