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Al-Nujaba: Ayatollah al-Ha’iri is one of pillars of School of al-Sadr

30 Aug 2022 - 16:32

While praising the scholarly personality and spiritual position of Ayatollah Sayyid Kadhim al-Ha’iri, secretary-general of the al-Nujaba Islamic Resistance Movement Hujjat al-Islam al-Kaabi vowed to this Shi’ah marja’ (religious authority) to continue the fight against the invaders until they are completely expelled from the territory of Iraq.

 While expressing his pride in being a student in the presence of this high-ranking marja’ (religious authority), Hujjat al-Islam al-Kaabi noted, “I found him to be a pious, humble, unworldly and simple person who had a lot of knowledge and wisdom.”
He further evaluated Ayatollah al-Ha’iri’s resignation from the marja’iyyah as drawing a clear policy and lesson for his followers and added, “Such humility and an ascetic and responsible approach towards one’s own religion and the religion of the people is not a strange thing among the scholars of the Islamic ummah.”
In conclusion, the secretary-general of al-Nujaba prayed for the quick recovery and long life of Ayatollah al-Ha’iri and highlighted, “We vow to him to adhere to his guidelines – which are along the lines of Martyr al-Sadr’s commands – and strive with all our might to humiliate, defeat and expel the invaders from Iraq.”

Story Code: 563550

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