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Cleric highlights role of clerics in elimination of oppression, decrying oppressors

11 Dec 2022 - 11:36

Secretary General of World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought stressed importance of promoting role of clerics and religious elites in elimination of oppression and revealing the oppressors.

Hujjat-ul-Islam Hamid Shahriari, in his remarks at the 18th international Muslim Forum held in the Russian capital Moscow titled “Justice and moderation: divine principles of world order” underlined necessity of boosting the role of clerics in elimination of oppression and decrying the oppressors, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).
He referred to “justice” and “moderation” as two objectives of human beings who are suffering oppression and extremism.
The cleric noted that the main objective of heavenly religions is to prevail justice in man’s life and said,” Prevalence of justice leads to feeling of honor without which an ambiance of humiliation dominates the community.”
Secretary General of World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought called “just” as a feeling which revives an individual and his community in absence of which man’s life and his motivations for advancement will be in danger.
Senior cleric noted that the most important factor for materialization of moderation is acquaintance and promoting relations among nations and said,” Familiarization with others would lead individuals and societies from egocentrism opening space to admit other people.”
Hujjatul-Islam Shahriari warned of hostility and racist and tribal prejudice in instigating tension among nations and noted,” Fraternity is achieved only in elimination of hostilities as recommended in verse 47 of Sura Hijr “We will remove whatever bitterness they had in their hearts.1 In a friendly manner, they will be on thrones, facing one another.”
Senior Shia cleric noted that the scientific, moral and literary legacy of Islam is inundated with calls for affection as is the relation between man and the Almighty God.
Secretary General of World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought referred to seizure of countries and preventing supplies of food and medicine to reach those in need as is happening in Lebanon and Yemen stressing,” Clerics are urged to rise for elimination of oppression and materialization of justice across the globe.”
Iranian cleric made the comments at the 18th international Muslim Forum with the theme “Justice and moderation: divine principles of world order” held in Moscow on Friday.

Story Code: 576517

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