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Mohsen Meschi:

Qur’an burning is anti-human freedom of speech

29 Jan 2023 - 15:15

Deputy of Iran affairs at World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought said the so-called freedom of expression that justifies Qur’an burning in some European countries is an anti-human version for freedom.

Mohsen Meschi, in an interview broadcasted live on Iranian state television, slammed the recent instances of desecrating the holy book of Islam in three European countries and said maintaining respect for other people, religions and beliefs should be part of the freedom of expression, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).
He referred to the background of Islamophobia across the globe where Islamic sanctities, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), holy Qur’an and worshiping centers have been targeted by the ignorant people or extremists and said all religions have in cases been a target of such attacks.
“Different instances of Islamophobia, fighting Islamic ethics and promoting corruption are all pieces of the same puzzle of fighting spirituality and monotheism”, he noted.
According to the Iranian cultural figure a Zionist movement has masterminded the recent desecration of holy Qur’an while the US and arrogant powers also played key role in the heinous move.
Mohsen Meschi reiterated that Iran’s constitution criminalizes desecration of all holy religions and said,” How can they disrespect the sanctities of more than two billion Muslims worldwide as it is also criminalized in the human rights charter?”
He said, “This is the ongoing story of right and wrong which existed since the beginning, is becoming more complicated and seriously organized by arrogant powers and the Zionists.” 
“Freedom of expression is a right but respecting other religions is a duty” said Mohsen Meschi and added,” Although freedom of expression is personal it should be defined and practiced within a certain framework.”
He said,” The extents of this freedom should be defined in a way that it does not violate respect or restrict rights of other people.”
A deputy of major Islamic unity center in iran expressed regret that the international human rights organizations that react to the very minor issues are silent towards the desecration of Qur’an.
He expressed appreciation for the archbishop of Armenians in Iran, Sebouh Sarkissian for denouncing the desecration of Qur’an at a presser as he held and alluded to holy book of Islam.
Still in another part of his comments, Mohsen Meschi referred to the blasphemous book by Salman Rushdie as the beginning point for an intensifying fight against Muslims and Islamic sanctities which continued with insulting movies, derogatory cartoons, attacks on mosques and holy Qur’an and reiterated,” This is part of the organized measures by Zionists challenging Islam and spirituality which will target other religions in future.”
Iranian cultural figure urged all political, artistic, cultural and media capacities to mobilize against Islamophobia and desecration of religious sanctities and concluded,” Combatting those who fight spirituality is a duty upon all of us.”

Story Code: 582233

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