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Israel government facilitates settler killing of Palestinians in Israel

9 May 2023 - 16:34

Israeli occupation settlers, backed by Benjamin Netanyahu's government, have killed 60 Palestinians in Israel since the start of 2023, the Palestinian Al Resalah newspaper said on Sunday.

The killer, according to Yedioth Ahronoth, was identified as Dennis Pukin, 32, from the illegal Jewish settlement of Gan Ner, north of Israel.
Yedioth Ahronoth reported that the Israeli police detained the settler, who was a soldier in the elite Golani Brigade, and opened an investigation into the incident.
A video for the incident went viral on social media shows the settler engaged in a physical altercation with Aal Omari. Then the settler pulled his pistol and fired multiple shots at the young Palestinian as he returned to his car.
The Palestinian victim's family said in a statement: "Al Omari family mourns in Sandala and throughout Palestine, inside the homeland and abroad, to our Palestinian people, the young martyr Diyar Al Omari, who was shot dead by an Israeli terrorist settler in cold blood."
Hundreds of Palestinians protested near the Israeli settlement, condemning the killing of Al Omari, which they called a "cold-blooded execution," but the Israeli army cracked down on them.
The Committee for Freedoms for Arabs in Israel said: "The Israeli government has taken a strategic decision to spill our blood just because we are Palestinian Arabs, especially after it opened the door wide for its settlers to take up arms under the pretext of self-defence."

Story Code: 592877

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