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President Raeisi:

Desecration of Qur’an amounts to disrespect of man, sanctities, freedom

29 Aug 2023 - 15:59

Iranian President Sayyed Ebrahim Raisi highlighted the respect of more than two billion Muslims for the holy Qur’an stressing that desecration of the holy book of Islam amounts to disrespecting all religious books, sanctities, man, freedom and human assets.

Iranian president made the remarks at a briefing held for the Iran Government Week, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).
When asked on the recurrent Qur’an desecration in Europe, President Raieisi said the blasphemous act is pre-planned by think tanks.
He said,” Sacrilege of Qur’an, to sow division among Muslims, the media campaign by enemies, establishment of Takfiri (excommunication) groups to shed world people’s blood and demolition of homes are all links of the same chain.”
“They (enemies) believe Islam is the sole power that can prevent their monopoly; therefore, they have plans to desecrate Islamic sanctities and divide Muslims” said President Raieis vowing that all hostile efforts will be to no avail.
He concluded,” Such blasphemous acts will boost Islamic solidarity and have all the attention to the brilliant verses of holy Qur’an.”

Story Code: 605380

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