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On 37th International Islamic Unity Conference;

Necessity of spreading empathy and sympathy in Islamic world

29 Sep 2023 - 20:10

Member of Taghrib Unity foundation policy in Nigeria stressed that the world is full of conflicts and crisis so in is needed to spread Islamic empathy among the Muslim Communities.

Sheikh “Yaqub Ningi”, Vice President of the Institute of Proximity in Bauchi State, Nigeria, in his speech at the webinar of 37th International Islamic Unity Conference noted about Islamic empathy and sympathy and avoidance of tensions and conflicts, reported Taghrib News Agency (TNA).
“Empathy means the feeling of another person or the ability of a person to share the feeling of another person. When somebody is in difficulty and a suffering, your ability to understand his suffering and his feeling and share it, you feel like him, that is meant by empathy”, he said.
He also mentioned sympathy and said: “sympathy means feeling of sorrow and pity for the misfortune of someone. So, empathy is more than sympathy, is stronger than sympathy, because you have the feeling and you understand his situation.”
Member of Taghrib Unity foundation policy pointed out that Islamic teachings is based on empathy and sympathy and added: “Brothers, Muslims, Believers, are brothers. But not only that so feeling of empathy is not only for your fellow Muslim brothers or fellow Believers, but it is also for human beings in general.”
“Islam is a religion of humanity. We have so many examples of this empathy from our religious leaders, from the holy prophet (PBUH), from imam Ali and other imams, where they show and emphasize or practically show empathy towards others”, vice President of the Institute of Proximity in Bauchi State, continued.
Pointing out that in the battle of “Uhud” so many believers were martyred and ladies empathetically came for the treatment of those who were wounded, Ningi said: “they came with the medications and give them and also they gathered on the martyrs, the relatives, their husbands, and they cried and mourned for them.”
“In the Battle of Mu'tah, there were several commanders, who the Holy Prophet appointed for the situation there and all of them were martyrs, three of them, including Jafar, the senior brother of Imam Ali (PBUH)”, Ningi noted.
“The world of today is full of conflicts and crisis and deaths and sufferings, because of the situations the enemies are created, so there is need for bringing about this Islamic empathy and particularly among the Muslim Communities”, he said.
Yaqub Ningi pointed out that unity is necessary to save our fellows out of so many difficulties and concluded: “The Islamic countries and the world in general will witness Islamic peace and practice, which is called by the holy prophet (PBUH) and holy imams.”

Story Code: 608832

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