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On 37th International Islamic Unity Conference;

Necessity of relations between people based on respect

30 Sep 2023 - 7:54

Director of Human Development of Kuwait stressed that people are free in choosing his worldview but they must take responsibility for all his thoughts.

“Vajiheh Behbahani”, director of Human Development of Kuwait, in her speech at the webinar of 37th International Islamic Unity Conference, noted that elites, scholars, and intellectuals are all distinguished personalities of the Islamic world, reported Taghrib News Agency (TNA).
“Almighty God has enabled man to be free in choosing his worldview and his religion. Of course, man himself must take responsibility for all his thoughts and beliefs.”, she said.
“Almighty God created man free and gave him the right to choose in this world. He did not allow any of his prophets and messengers to impose their missions on the people”, director of Human Development of Kuwait added.
Noting the verses of the Holy Quran that: "So admonish [the people], for you are only an admonisher and you are having no control over them”, she continued: “this means that the prophets and messengers of God (Peace Be Upon Them) did not have the right to impose ideas on people.”
“In the teachings of Islam, we also see that Islam puts special emphasis on the necessity of relations between people based on freedom and respect. It is natural that no person will accept insults on his religion by citizens and followers of other religion”, Behbahani said.
“We are witnessing the current situation in the world. We witnessed what happened and what protests took place after the extremists’ war against Islam and after they burnt the Holy Quran in Sweden”, she emphasized.
Kuwait manager noted that there are many arguments and verbal disputes among the followers of various Islamic denominations and also there are numerous media and websites that incite people to go towards division and sectarianism.
“After the principle of monotheism (Towhid), Islam emphasizes on an important and fundamental issue, i.e., unity and solidarity among Muslims as well as forgetting differences in the ranks of the Islamic Ummah. Islam has always called for the resolution of disputes that create discord among Muslims harm their brotherhood”, Vajiheh Behbahani concluded.
World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought holds the annual Islamic Unity Conference at the week concurrent with the birth anniversary of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Muslim scholars, thinkers as well as religious and political figures from across the globe discuss the latest issues in the world of Islam at the different sections of the meeting.

Story Code: 608906

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Taghribnews (TNA)