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37th International Islamic Unity Conference

Int'l Unity Conference has many benefits for the world of Islam

30 Sep 2023 - 19:48

Mr. Hasan Kanaatlı of Türkiye says the International Unity Conference is one of the regionally influencing events in the Islamic world and has many benefits for the world of Islam.

The thinker raised this question: Does Islam need to be reformed? Reform can have two meanings: one meaning is improvement and the other one is readjustment. If reform means improvement, it does not apply to Islam. But if it is means readjustment and eradicate superstitious beliefs and wrong thoughts, it will be approved of, he noted.
“After during 14 centuries after the demise of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH), as is the case in all other religions, a series of superstitions have emerged in Islam. The emergence of such wrong thoughts will inevitably continue until the Resurrection Day. In fact, it is one of the reasons for the emergence of Imam Mahdi (May God Hasten His Reappearance) revival of the pure and genuine Mohammedan Islam.”

Kanaatlı said, “Based on all these verses of the Holy Quran, social psychologists or commentators have concluded that there are four prerequisites for introducing the enlightenment in a society. The first prerequisite is the uprising of the society, which means that the society must rise up and move forward.  The second prerequisite is the presence or existence of a real leader. In this case, I can use the Islamic Republic of Iran as an example. The people of Iran rose against the oppression of the Shah. God Almighty sent a leader and a righteous leader like Imam Khomeini.

“As the third prerequisite, people are required to be greatly patient and thankful towards the almighty God. It means that uprising is not a simple matter and an easy task. Its cost is more than its outcomes. It requires martyrs; it requires sacrificing the lives.

As the thinker noted, the fourth prerequisite for the introduction of enlightenment in the society is the existence of a system, a book, a project, or a roadmap. If there is no system, book, project, or road map, the society will not embrace the enlightenment. Therefore, Muslims do not need a renaissance which is based on the interpretation of some westernized intellectuals. Before and after the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini was truly the greatest reformist figure. Before Imam Khomeini, some reformers endeavored to make reforms, but they did not succeed. Therefore, a real leader like Imam Khomeini is a blessing from the almighty God for the people of Iran and the oppressed Muslims of the world.


Story Code: 608958

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