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Final communique of 37th Islamic Unity Conference

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4 Oct 2023 - 15:38

World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought has issued the final communique of the 37th International Islamic Unity Conference.

This edition of the conference with the theme “Islamic Cooperation to Achieve Common Values” was held in the Iranian capital Tehran on October 1-2, 2003.
The following is the final communique of the event issued by participants to the annual event:
In the Name of God
Final Communique of the 37th International Islamic Unity Conference- Tehran
The common identity of the Islamic nation is manifested in the verse “Indeed, this nation of yours is one nation” and Muslims have the badge of “Thus We made you a moderate community” on their chest. The unified Islamic ummah with rationality and morality as its two prominent features, has set a perfect role model during the ups and downs of the Islamic history since the time of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to contemporary time due to the guidance of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), support of Ahlul Bayt (AS) and their companions as well as interpretation of the enlightened scholars and scientists. This unified ummah has been and will be in constant move in line with monotheism towards the high humane and Islamic values by pursuing the verse “Cooperate in piety and God-wariness.”
Among the necessities of the Islamic nation, amid the present critical era, are boosting and deepening Islamic knowledge, revealing intrigues by enemies of Islam and assisting and strengthening Islamic unity and religious fraternity among the Islamic countries as well as promoting proximity discourse, rationality and moderation.
The World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought which is an international cultural organization, in line with promoting the objectives of “unified ummah” and “Union of Islamic Countries” has been in constant communication with scientific, religious figures, clerics and scholars across the world of Islam and played the most efficient and valuable role by holding international, regional and theme-based conferences.
By the grace of God Almighty, the world forum held the 37th International Islamic Unity Conference in Tehran on October 1st- 2nd (15-17 Rabi al-Awal 1445) with the theme “Islamic Cooperation to Achieve Common Values” participated by a number of the most prominent scholars and thinkers from across the globe. The intellectuals and scholars from different Islamic denominations attending the international conference, wish to reiterate the following points in the final communique issued at the closing ceremony:
One: Holy Qur’an is the only sacred book that, by grace of the God Almighty, protected from any distortion or change, in order to guide the entire humanity. This book calls Muslims to peace among themselves and with others as well as resistance against oppression, injustice, arrogance, hostilities and atrocities. This holy book also demands prevalence of justice, benevolence and counter-corruption campaigns.
This holy book promises globalization of a civilized religion under whose flag people can live in happiness, peace and security. The dawn for this religion would unease the oppressors and arrogant powers; those who provoke Islamophobia and deprive the world’s oppressed people from their basic rights and rule in the world. Holy Qur’an has promised the dominance of the oppressed on the world and elimination of the oppressors and arrogant powers.
The World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought, proposes the second conference and festival of enlightening and awakening and here it calls on all influential and renowned media across the world of Islam including the social networks, civil organizations and those enthusiastic in this field to submit their productions related to holy Qur’an on this special historical event.
Two: The issue of holy Quds and support for the Palestinian people should remain on top of the common values and principles of Muslim world in line with materialization of Islamic unity; therefore, the world of Islam should support the uprising of the Palestinian nation across the occupied lands, particularly in Gaza Strip and the West Bank and this support should reveal in practice rather than confined to mottos and media promotions.
We believe that normalization of relations and alliance with the occupying Israeli regime will not benefit the world of Islam since this regime is not committed to any of its contracts or agreements and will not spare any opportunity to attack Islamic countries, if it finds the opportunity. This occupying regime is not committed to any of the international conventions or resolutions and promotes its plans through brutal terror attacks, sparking clashes and war in the Muslim world. At present, this occupying regime is in its weakest state; therefor, as determined by God Almighty, triumph over this regime is eminent.
Three: The world of Islam is witness to new promising changes since they are in line with ending the intensification of tensions and conflicts among the Islamic countries and prevalence of peace in the region. We welcome the end to war in Yemen and Syria and signing of peace agreement between the warring sides in order to put an end to the military confrontation that would lead to bloodshed of the innocent people.
We believe that dialogue and diplomatic solutions as sole way for establishment of sustained peace among Muslim world countries; therefore, we urge all Islamic countries to endeavor in line with ending the armed conflicts and wars in the world of Islam.
Muslims from all nationalities, backgrounds or denominations need security, peace and tranquility in order to play an efficient role in establishment of the new Islamic civilization. Materialization of security, peace and stability is among the key common values that summons cooperation of Islamic nations. This perfect security includes national, regional and global security and that enables us to take measures like holding the international conference in Tehran. Consequently, we hope that the dialogue for unity will expand in all levels.
Four: Resumption of diplomatic relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is among the key new changes in the region and a major factor to lead the other Islamic countries towards cooperation and peace. This measure has also brought hope to the hearts of the intellectuals and thinkers in the world of Islam since it has enabled two different countries, in terms of religious and political tendencies, to end disputes and establish cooperation by opening a new page in their relations, a fact which is admirable.
Consequently, on behalf of myself and the scholars across the world of Islam, to whom I have held talks, I welcome the rapprochement and cooperation between the two countries. The achievement is made due to the endeavors of the administration of Iranian president Ebrahim Raeisi in line with strengthening regional relations and also remarkable developments in diplomatic views of the Saudi government based on boosting regional cooperation.
We hope that the landmark will turn into an example for other Islamic countries since it is now known to all that the world of Islam, for development of its members, should not be dependent on foreign countries. Also, we hope that for expansion of mutual cooperation between the two countries in different scientific, economic and cultural fields. Also, constructive media cooperation will replace the media that fan the fire of disputes and conflict among countries.
Five: Enemies of Islam will never cease their hostilities with Muslims, for that reason, one of the key factors in materialization of unity in the Islamic ummah, is to end domination of the enemies of Islam over capacities and resources of the regional and Islamic countries. Withdrawal of the US forces from Afghanistan was a unique opportunity for its people in this country revive peace and stability in their country. We hope that all popular groups will achieve their equal rights in all fields in order to prevent the wars that would draw back countries to their first place. World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought voices preparation to cooperate for achievement of this objective.
Six: Family is a common natural value and the canon for upbringing the next generation. Western countries are struggling to eliminate this value by promoting deviate programs like pornography, homosexuality and humiliating human honor, which are in fact in contrast with the teachings of all religions. Therefore, Islamic countries should cooperate in confrontation with the cultural invasion that aim to undermine the value and central role of families in upbringing the next generation. Islamic countries should play their role in promoting common values between Islam and other religions that are committed to the concept of family and its necessity. In this line, World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought plans to hold the international conference of “Honor”, with the theme family, to be participated by Muslim world universities.
Seven: Ladies and gentlemen who participated the 37th Islamic Unity Conference have expressed their appreciation for the Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, for the warm welcome and clear guidance. They have also appreciated Iran’s President Ebrahim Raeisi for his support, participation and speech at the opening ceremony of the Islamic Unity conference. They have cherished the ministries, state organizations that supported the conference and assisted the event to achieve its objectives. Participants also thanked the Secretary General of World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought, Hujjat-ul-Islam Hamid Shahriari, for his efficient endeavor and innovation in holding the 37th International Islamic Unity Conference.
May God Almighty bless you all

Story Code: 609878

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