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Turkiye Erdogan says Israel Netanyahu 'will be tried as war criminal'

6 Dec 2023 - 16:26

Turkish President, Tayyip Erdogan, said on Monday that Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, would eventually be tried as a war criminal over Israel’s ongoing offensive in the Gaza Strip, while slamming Western countries supporting Israel, Reuters reports.

In a speech to the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) committee meeting in Istanbul, Erdogan said the Western nations supporting Israel were giving it “unconditional support to kill babies” and were complicit in its crimes.
“Beyond being a war criminal, Netanyahu, who is the butcher of Gaza right now, will be tried as the butcher of Gaza, just as Milosevic was tried,” Erdogan said, in reference to Yugoslav ex-President, Slobodan Milosevic, who was tried for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes at a tribunal in The Hague.

Story Code: 617186

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