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President Raeisi calls on Muslim rulers to promote peace, fraternity

12 Mar 2024 - 11:46

Iranian president Ebrahim Raeisi has called on the heads of the Islamic countries to encourage and promote peace and fraternity among Muslims.

In a message on Monday, president Raeisi extended his congratulations to leaders of the Muslim countries on the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan.
The Iranian president emphasized that the heads of Muslim countries have the duty to encourage and promote peace and fraternity among Muslims and develop the atmosphere of spirituality and unity among the members of the Islamic Ummah.

He added that the holy month of Ramadan provides a great opportunity for all Muslims to resort to divine teachings, particularly those of the Holy Qur'an, to prepare the ground for elevation of their countries in all fields.

Raeisi expressed confidence that the continuation of the Muslim Palestinian people's battle against Israel and constant and firm support by the Muslim world would lead to the liberation of Palestine, al-Quds and al-Aqsa Mosque.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi says the holy month of Ramadan will be an opportunity for Muslim nations to take effective steps in their fight against arrogant powers.

Over the past months, he added, the regime has killed more than 30,000 innocent civilians, particularly children, in the Gaza Strip.

He hoped Muslim nations would forge their bonds and improve relations to globally promote Islam.

Story Code: 628028

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