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Palestine demands end to 'Israeli impunity' at UN General Assembly address

9 Apr 2024 - 23:24

Palestine's UN envoy Riyad Mansour delivered a compelling address on Monday at the General Assembly, demanding an end to "Israeli impunity," saying that achieving it would bring peace within reach.

Emphasizing the urgent need to halt the provision of arms to Israel, Mansour also called for an end to arming Israel.

"I repeat, stop arming Israel. All of you, all of the countries that have been providing Israel with weapons and ammunition to kill our children and our women and Palestinian civilians," said Mansour.
He urged international community to end trade with Israeli settlements and "hold accountable those responsible for the massacres and the colonization. Not only individuals but those responsible at the highest level for these illegal and inhumane policies."
Mansour further stressed the absence of justice and peace, stating Palestine is repeatedly asked to choose between the two without receiving either.
"There is no path to peace with such injustice. End Israeli impunity and you will see that peace will finally be within our reach," he added.
The Palestinian envoy questioned the UN, asking, "How is it that the party colonizing and committing genocide can be a full member of this United Nations and the party committed to the rule of international law and just and lasting peace cannot?"
Noting that the UN's mandate is governed by its Charter and guided by international law, Mansour said: "Legislation that aims to deny us membership, to deny us justice, to deny us representation and the exercise of our inalienable rights on equal footing with all other nations are unjust."
He concluded by affirming Palestine's rightful place among the community of nations, saying, "All we ask for is to take our rightful place among the community of nations."
- Russia stands by its veto against US resolution
Russia's first deputy envoy to the UN Dmitry Polyansky commented on Moscow's use of the veto on a draft resolution, and said the veto "clearly prevented the adoption of a draft resolution, which not only it was not geared towards ending hostilities in Gaza, but which essentially gave Israel carte blanche to continue its inhumane operations which ran counter to international humanitarian law in Gaza Strip."
He said that the draft resolution penned by the US "not only did not contain a direct demand, or even a call for a ceasefire, but this also effectively provided a unique license to continue to kill Palestinians."
Polyansky referred to the Security Council resolution 2728 as a "glimmer of hope for everybody who condemned the ruthless annihilation by the Israelis with Israeli military machine as they receive weapons and munitions from the United States."
The resolution 2828 compels Israel to commit to a cease-fire in Gaza during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Fourteen countries of the 15-member Council voted in favor of the resolution while the US abstained.
Echoing the Russian envoy, China's Deputy envoy to the UN Dai Bing also expressed strong opposition to a US draft resolution, asserting that it deviates from the consensus of Security Council members.
"The United States draft resolution deviates from the consensus of the council members and runs counter to the expectations of the international community, if adopted [it] will mean that the killings in Gaza will continue," he said.
- 'End the bloodshed in Gaza'
He warned that adoption of the resolution would perpetuate the killings in Gaza and continue violations of international law and humanitarian principles.
"China has no hesitation in exercising its veto against a draft resolution that will have such serious consequences, as a permanent member of the Security Council, China has stepped up to shoulder, its responsibilities," he added.
In his opening remarks, Dennis Francis, the president of the UN General Assembly, conveyed deep regret that the Assembly has met again on the veto initiative "due to the perennial inability of the Security Council to speak with one voice on matters of grave importance and sensitivity in relation to the maintenance of international peace and security."
"With starvation spreading, and increasing reports of the demise of children as a result, it is incumbent upon Israel to urgently and exponentially scale up, guarantee and maintain uninterrupted humanitarian access," Francis said, while urging "all those with leverage to do all in their power to end the bloodshed in Gaza now."
Meanwhile, Türkiye's deputy UN representative Asli Guven stressed Palestine's right to full membership in the UN and equal treatment within the international community.
"This will allow the Palestinian people to realize their aspirations for statehood, sovereignty, independence and lead to a just, comprehensive and lasting peace," she said.
She also called for urgent actions for the conflict, including an immediate ceasefire, unhindered aid delivery, protection of UNRWA, cessation of forced displacement, and a political solution based on the two-state vision.

Story Code: 631230

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