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On eve of International Workers Day:

Hamas calls on workers to support Palestinians in global rallies

27 Apr 2024 - 15:40

The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has called on the workers across the world to voice their support for the Palestinian nation under Israeli bombings for nearly seven months.

In a press statement issued on Friday, the Palestinian resistance called on the workers across the globe to hold a week of solidarity rallies in support of the Palestinians and their legitimate right.”
“On the occasion of International Workers’ Day, which falls on the first of May, we call on all movements, unions and labor federations across the world to hold a week of solidarity with the workers of Palestine and the Gaza Strip, by organizing demonstrations and rallies to roam the capitals and cities of the world in support of the rights of the workers of Palestine in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, occupied Jerusalem and the 1948 Occupied Palestine,” Hamas statement said.
The Palestinian movement also urged the transport unions and port workers to boycott the shipping companies and firms affiliated with Israeli regime, which has been committing crimes of genocide and ethnic cleansing for more than half a year against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and called on them to participate effectively in all trade union formations, in the week of solidarity with the workers of Palestine.

Story Code: 633345

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