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Leader of Islamic Revolution:

Crackdown of US universities’ pro-Palestine protests proves Washington as complicit in Gaza war

1 May 2024 - 11:11

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, said the US behavior to peaceful students’ protests has revealed to all that Washington is a complicit in Israeli unforgivable killing of the Gazans.

Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in an address to thousands of teachers from across Iran on the occasion of the National Teachers’ Day, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).
The Leader said,” The seemingly sympathetic rhetoric of the United States (on Gaza war) is a lie; therefore, the stance of the Islamic Republic that the US must not be trusted, is now proved right.”
Ayatollah Khamenei referred to Iran’s proposal on return of the Palestinian lands to their original Muslim, Christian and Jewish owners as the only solution to the issue of Palestine and stressed,” As far as Palestine is not returned to its people, the issues in West Asia will not be solved, no matter if some struggle for two or three more decades to keep the Zionist regime in power.”
The Leader added,” Palestine must be handed down to its people and once a Palestinian system is established there, then that government should decide what to do with the Zionists.”
Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the efforts for normalization of ties between the Israeli regime and the regional countries and said,” Some states believe that normalization would be a solution to the issue of Palestine but even if the relations between Israeli regime and the neighboring Arab states are normalized, not only the issue is not settled but also a new problem would grapple the governments who closed their eyes on the Israeli crimes and shaken hands with the Israeli regime, as their nations will begin to stand against their governments.”
The Leader highlighted importance of increasing pressure on the occupying Israeli regime and added,” The brutal and merciless behavior of the Zionist hound has proved the righteousness of the Islamic Republic and Iranian nation as the massacre of more than thirty thousand people, half of them women and children, has revealed the vicious and malicious nature of the Zionist regime as well as the righteousness of Iran to the entire world.”
Ayatollah Khamenei added,” Despite the struggles by the Zionist regime and its American and European allies, the issue of Gaza remains top on the world headlines and the US campus protests and their expansion to the European universities proves the ongoing sensitivity of the public on the issue of Gaza.”
The Leader also touched upon the most important issues related to the educational system in the Iran as the meeting was held with thousands of teachers and the Minister of Education on Wednesday morning.
The meeting of the Leader with teaches is annually held as part of the ceremonies to mark the sublime stance of teachers.
May 1st marks the National Teachers’ Day in honor of late Ayatollah Sayyed Morteza Mottahari (1919-1979) prominent Shia cleric, professor and lecturer who was martyred on this day.

Story Code: 633810

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Taghribnews (TNA)