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Erdogan calls world countries to recognize Palestine state

14 May 2024 - 14:25

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called on the world countries to recognize the state of Palestine in face of the Israeli crimes committed against Palestinian nation.

Speaking on the second day of the World Muslim Scholars’ Constitution Summit held in the Turkish city of Istanbul, President Erdogan condemned the most brutal crimes committed by Israeli regime in Gaza since October 7, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).
He said,” We will not let the Israeli regime to silence any conscience under the pretext of fighting anti-Semitism” condemning the regime for its occupying measures and confiscation of the Palestinian lands.
The Turkish president noted that Gaza was an open prison before the October 7 operation but it has turned into a center for detention and massacre of civilians during the past 219 days of Israeli onslaughts, what we only witnessed under Hitler in the Nazi Germany.
He said,” Words fail to describe the Israeli crimes against hospitals, worshipping places, schools, residential buildings and civilian centers in Gaza which had nothing to do with war.”
Recep Tayyip Erdogan denounced Israeli regime for killing the rescue teams, UN staff and also more than 150 journalists covering the Gaza developments in the besieged Strip.
He said,” The torture and crimes committed by Israeli forces during the past 219 days remains a shame for humanity” adding that Gaza has turned into a touchstone to assess the international community based on the values developed through decades.”
The Turkish President made the comments on the second day of the World Muslim Scholars’ Constitution Summit on May 14.

Story Code: 635299

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Taghribnews (TNA)