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10,000 Palestinians left disabled by Israel’s bombing of Gaza

15 May 2024 - 20:26

At least 10,000 have been left disabled people as a result of the Israeli occupation forces’ aggression on Gaza since October 2023.

Among them was 48-year-old Mohammad Al Selek, who was executed by Israeli occupation forces along with his brother and uncle in a house in Al-Remal neighbourhood of Gaza City.
Forty-year-old Izzidine Al-Banna, was detained from his house in Gaza City by the Israeli occupation forces. He was forced to crawl because he didn’t have his wheelchair. Izzidine was severely tortured by occupation forces and was declared dead in custody.

Israeli occupation forces Tuesday evening and dawn Wednesday detained at least 20 Palestinians, including two minors, from various parts of the occupied West Bank, according to the Commission of the Detainees and the Ex-detainees Affairs and the Palestine Prisoner’s Society (PPS).
They said that the occupation forces rounded up at least 20 Palestinians, with the majority of the detainees coming from the West Bank district of Hebron and the others from the West Bank districts of Tulkarm, Bethlehem, Qalqiliya and Jerusalem.
They added that as part of the raids, the occupation forces usually practice torture, beating, destruction of Palestinian property and confiscation of cash savings on a large scale.
As part of the raids, the heavily armed soldiers rounded up three Palestinians from the southern West Bank city of Hebron and ransacked the houses of their families.
They also rounded up nine Palestinians from the city of Yatta, south of Hebron, and searched the houses of their families, turning them upside down.
In the district of Bethlehem, security sources confirmed a raid in the village of Husan, resulting in the detention of two villagers.
In the district of Jerusalem, the gun-toting soldiers showed up at a house in the town of Anata, muscled inside, conducted a thorough search and eventually detained a young man.
They confirmed similar raids in the Shufat refugee camp and Hizma town, where the soldiers fired volleys of live ammunition, tear gas canisters and stun grenades towards local youths attempting to block their entry. No injuries were reported though.
In the northern West Bank, the army vehicles stormed the southern neighborhood of Tulkarm city, where the soldiers detained a resident, ransacked several houses in the city and interrogated their occupants.
Still in the district of Tulkarm, the soldiers barged their way into the village of Shufa, and detained two minors, both aged 15.
The sources confirmed similar raids in the Jenin-district villages and towns of Yabad, Arraba and Jalbun, where the soldiers searched several houses, and occupied the house of a villager of Jalbun and turned it into a military outpost.
Other raids were conducted in the al-Bireh city neighborhood of al-Irsal and the town of Birzeit, north of Ramallah.
According to the Commission and the PPS, the occupation forces have detained over 8,745 Palestinians since October 7, 2023. Such prisoners were detained from their houses, at checkpoints, were forced to turn themselves in or were held as hostages.
They added that the occupation forces are responsible for the forced disappearance of the detainees from the Gaza Strip following 222 days of the Israeli genocidal war on the Strip.
The occupation forces frequently raid Palestinian houses almost daily across the West Bank on the pretext of searching for “wanted” Palestinians, triggering clashes with residents.
These raids are conducted with no need for a search warrant, whenever and wherever the military chooses in keeping with its sweeping arbitrary powers.
Under Israeli military law army commanders have full executive, legislative and judicial authority over 3 million Palestinians living in the West Bank. Palestinians have no say in how this authority is exercised.
According to the latest figures from Addameer, the Palestinian Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, there are currently 9,300 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli prisons and detention centres, including 250 child prisoners and 78 female prisoners.
This number includes approximately 3,424 Palestinians placed under “administrative detention”, which allows the detention of Palestinians without charge or trial for renewable intervals ranging between three and six months based on undisclosed evidence that even a detainee’s lawyer is barred from viewing.
The mass arrest of Palestinians is nothing new. According to a 2017 report by Addameer, over the past 50 years, more than 800,000 Palestinians have been imprisoned or detained by Israel, this figure is now believed to be closer to 1 million. This means that about 40% of Palestinian men and boys living under military occupation have been deprived of their freedom. Almost every Palestinian family has suffered the imprisonment of a loved one.

Story Code: 635407

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