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University of California academic workers authorize strike for Palestine

18 May 2024 - 20:21

A union of nearly fifty thousand workers launching a strike to defend the right to free speech and demand divestment from Israeli apartheid and genocide.

Union leadership called the vote in response to UC campuses’ treatment of students who have been protesting in solidarity with Palestine by setting up encampments on their respective campuses.
Two weeks ago at UCLA, campus police stood by while pro-Israel counterprotesters violently attacked the encampment; the next day, police cleared out the encampment, arresting over two hundred protesters — many of whom had been attacked less than twenty-four hours earlier.
On its website, UAW 4811 has called on the university system to “de-escalate” the situating by meeting a number of demands, including amnesty for all students and workers who face disciplinary action or arrest for protesting as well as university divestment from arms contractors and others profiting off of Israel’s assault on Gaza.

Story Code: 635722

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Taghribnews (TNA)