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Tehran international symposium discusses Israeli crimes in Gaza

19 May 2024 - 11:29

The first meeting in a series of symposiums on Israeli crimes in Gaza has kicked off at Al-Zahra University in the Iranian capital Tehran on Saturday.

The four-day event entitled “Meetings and Symposiums on examining the legal aspects of the crimes of the Zionist regime and its supporters in Gaza” are scheduled to be attended by a number of prominent law experts from twenty countries, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).
Zahra Bokaei, the president of Al-Zahra University said the symposium meant to mark the sublime status of humanity, resistance axis, sympathy with the oppressed Gazans, particularly Palestinian women and children in the besieged strip.
She referred to eight months of Israeli killing campaign against the Palestinians amid inaction by the international community and hailed the global support for the Palestinian people.
Hujjat-ul-Islam Sheikh Yousef Nasseri, a prominent Iraqi resistance cleric noted the shortcomings of the international law regarding unfair division of the Palestinian lands and censured the so-called Abraham Accord as a violation of the international laws.

Houri Yousef, a member of the academic board at Algiers University said the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Rafah is undeniable stressing that a group of lawyers prosecute the Israeli officials with dual nationality.
The four-day symposium is set to discuss the following themes: international crimes committed in Gaza, the rights of resistance’s armed conflict against occupation, the rights and obligations of international community in supporting Gazans, the capacities of national and international bodies in prosecuting perpetrators of crimes in Gaza and related challenges and also measurement of gross violations of international humanitarian law based on the international law.
Four Iranian prestigious universities in the capital Tehran will host the meetings on May 18-21.

Story Code: 635858

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