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“Islamic unity, prelude to world peace”, Russian professor

19 May 2024 - 12:48

A prominent Russian professor at Tohoku University in Japan, called Islamic solidarity as a prelude to world peace stressing the universality of the message of Islam.

Oleg Pakhomov, speaking on the sidelines of the fifth International Imam Reza Congress held in Mashhad called for efforts to create a bond between logic and justice since that would globalize the message of Islam, Taghrib News Agency (TNA) reported Astan News as saying.
The Russian professor praised the international congress of Imam Reza (AS) as a valuable experience particularly for non-Muslim scholars, like him, to get familiar with different aspects of the teachings by the eighth Shia Imam.
The Fifth International Imam Reza Congress was held on May 14-15, shedding new light on world justice from Imam Reza’s perspective.
Hundreds of Muslim and non-Muslim leaders from across the globe attended the two-day international event organized by the Scientific and Cultural Organization of the shrine.

Story Code: 635875

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