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"Popular Front to Liberate Palestine" - GC

Abass must discuss all factions before going to UN

TNA - Beirut

20 Sep 2011 - 9:51

Palestinian Authority's call for full membership at the United Nations will bear repercusions which will not be limited to the occupied lands.

Beirut - Taqrib News Agency (TNA) - The Popular Front to Liberate Palestine" official Abu Imad Ramiz, considered that the draft provided the Palestinian Authority to gain a seat in the UN and the Security Council, will have serious ramifications on the Palestinian reality, not only in Lebanon, but in most countries of the Diaspora.

However, he said, "This step serves Mahmoud Abbas political vision and persistence on the negotiations with the enemy."

This stand came during a meeting between Sheikh Afif Nabulsi and a delegation of the "Popular Front to Liberate Palestine" - "General Command" headed by Imad Ramiz who expressed his fears of this move, putting a number of exclamation mark including the lack of coordination with the Palestinians and especially Palestinian factions, noting that an important step and historic transition such this, should impose on Abu Mazen to hold a meeting of all factions about it, especially in light of reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas.

"The Popular Front to Liberate Palestine" official explained that "We see in this move and this trend a lot of risks and challenges facing Palestine, particularly the danger concerning the Palestinian refugees, because of the Palestinian state gain the UN membership will be required to apply international law and then will "Israel" will feel free from his historical and legal responsibilities towards refugees, and thus this state will transform the conflict with the enemy into a conflict to a dispute over land and borders and this is a major threat to the Palestinian cause and refugees in the Diaspora."

For his part Sheikh Nabulsi considered that the human will have to act worldwide to press for restitution, "I do not doubt that the major changes witnessed by the Arab region are an introduction to this great dream, which will not be long until it becomes a reality witnessed by the Palestinians and the entire world."

In this context, Nabulsi stressed that the Palestinians should intensify their diplomatic efforts and "Jihad" and make brave decisions and historic steps, and not to remain in the reaction site, because the Zionists are afraid of the Palestinians to take individual actions that run against the "Israeli" political affiliation."

He stressed that Palestine will return someday to its people and that "Israel" will disappear even if the international will is on the contrary.

Story Code: 63780

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