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Hamas calls for confrontation with Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes in West Bank

27 Jun 2024 - 13:28

The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has condemned Israeli regime over demolition of Palestinian homes in the West Bank and called for confrontation with the policy.

In a statement on Wednesday, Hamas said that the escalation of the Israeli home demolition operations in the West Bank and Jerusalem, with 21 demolition operations carried out that today, including eleven homes and facilities in the village of Umm Al-Khair in Masafer Yatta in Al-Khalil governorate, in addition to the demolition of dozens of homes and facilities in the recent days, is a “full-fledged crime”.

Hamas added that this crime is an extension of the criminal war being waged by the extremist settler government against the Palestinian people and their presence on their land, while it continues its settlement expansion and support for settler attacks and assaults on Palestinian villages and towns in the West Bank.

Hamas called on the Palestinians in the West Bank and Jerusalem to continue to confront the criminal policies of the occupation, including demolitions, incursions, killings, arrests, and attacks by terrorist settler hordes, and to escalate the state of confrontation with this fascist enemy, “until its removal from our land and our sanctities.”

Hamas also called on the international community and the United Nations to assume their responsibilities and take immediate action to compel the criminal occupation government to stop its violations and terrorism against the Palestinian people.

Story Code: 640653

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