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Lebanese Former PM

Some Arabs imbeded recognition of "Israel"


23 Sep 2011 - 0:09

"Why do we abandon our national right and accept cheap compromises?"

Commenting on the request of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to the United Nations for the membership of his state , Former Prime Minister Salim Al-Hoss saw that " frequent acts taken by arab countries imply thier imbeded recognition of the zionist entity"

In a statement today Al-Hoss clarified that "it was so that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said that he will not meet with Netanyahu unless he accepts the 1967 borders, to reclaim some Arab demand which concentrates on a Palestinian state with the 1967 borders, wondedring "As if Arabs did not have an issue in Palastine before the year 1967?"

Al-Hoss also asked : "What happened to the demand for the Liberation of Palestine which is the center of the Arab cause? Do we abandon the Liberation of Palestine and we be satisfied with the establishment of the State, wherever and however it was? Is this the case, God forbid? i wonder why do we abandon our national right and accept cheap compromises?"

Story Code: 64081

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