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Hamas says condition of released prisoners confirms criminal behaviour of ‘fascist’ occupation regime

2 Jul 2024 - 19:26

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement has said that the condition of the prisoners released by the Israeli authorities confirms the “criminal behaviour of the fascist occupation regime,” Safa has reported. Prisoners are weak, with physical and psychological exhaustion, and display clear signs of torture. Hamas noted that this violates all humanitarian laws and conventions, and demonstrates that the occupation regime is committing war crimes on a daily basis with impunity.

The movement stressed that the ongoing crimes against unarmed civilians in the Gaza Strip, which have crossed all red lines, and what prisoners in Israeli prisons and its “terrorist” army’s detention centres are exposed to, are based on orders by the occupation regime as part of its “fascist policy to target and eliminate the Palestinian people.” It added that all of this is happening with cover provided by the US administration, which is “complicit in the flagrant violations of international laws taking place before the eyes of the whole world.”
Hamas called on the international community, the UN and its institutions to work immediately to stop this massacre carried out by the fascist occupation government, and to protect prisoners, detainees and civilians in conflict areas. It also called on the International Committee of the Red Cross to act and reveal the fate of thousands of Palestinian detainees who have been kidnapped by the occupation army from the Gaza Strip and forcibly disappeared in inhumane conditions.

Story Code: 641210

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