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“Palestine issue should be set core of out Islamic brotherhood”, Afghan cleric

18 Sep 2024 - 16:37

A renowned Afghan cleric says the issue of Palestine could be set as the hear of fraternal ties between world Muslims calling on all Muslims to react against the Israeli crimes in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Sheikh Javad Salehi, speaking at the webinars of the 38th Islamic Unity Conference entitled “Islamic Cooperation to Achieve Common Values with an Emphasis on Palestine Issue” emphasized the high values of fraternal ties among Muslims particularly as a means to resolve the ongoing genocidal Israeli war on Gaza, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).
He expressed regret over more than 41,000 Palestinian lives lost and over two million others displaced as a result of more than eleven months of Israeli onslaughts across Gaza.
“We Muslim should join hands in order to help resolving the issue of Palestine in face of the Israeli massacre and occupation of Palestinian lands”, said the Afghan cleric.
He emphasized that the importance of the occupied territories lies in its being part of the Muslim world warning that the same tragedy could happen to another part of the world of Islam if the Israeli regime is not confronted now.
The Afghan elite made the comments at the webinar attended by Shia and Sunni clerics and researchers from across the globe.
The webinars are scheduled to be held on September 16-18 ahead of the second section of the International Islamic Unity Conference which will be attended by hundreds of religious and political figures from across the globe in person.
The current edition of the Islamic Unity Conference is held under the title "Islamic cooperation to achieve common values with an emphasis on the Palestinian issue" in the capital Tehran.

Story Code: 650535

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Taghribnews (TNA)