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Syria's Permanent Representative to the UN

Region's tensions related to the Arab-Israeli conflict

TNA - Beirut

26 Oct 2011 - 18:04

Syria's Permanent Representative to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari stressed that the provision discussed during the open regular session of the UN Security Council under the title 'Situation in the Middle East' is only concerned with the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Palestinian cause, and it is not related to any issue that is not within the historical definition of the provision.

In a statement at the Council's session held on Tuesday, al-Jafari said "Regretfully some don't focus on the content and the goal of this provision which is related to the way of ending Israel's occupation of the Arab territories and stopping its systematic hostile and inhuman practices there, but they try to bring new issues which are not related to this with the aim of undermining the provision and liquidating the significant merit submitted to the Council with regard to Palestine's membership at the UN."

He added the facts prove that the crises and tensions taking place in the region are strongly related to the Arab-Israeli conflict, and they aim at alleviating the international political and diplomatic pressure on Israel and some countries which seek to destabilize the region and to ignite a regional war that will have catastrophic outcomes in all the region's countries through provoking them against each other under different pretexts, in addition to trying to change the Arab reality through opening internal Arab fronts that only serve Israel's interests.

"The Arab-Israeli conflict is passing through a significant stage of its history during which it is not accepted and not understood why the Security Council fails to take an action against Israel and its hostile and inhuman practices…In this regard, the Council has an important opportunity to prove that it is able to play its role according to the Charter through agreeing on the just Palestinian demand," al-Jafari said.

He added "In the framework of the same policy which challenges the international legitimacy, Israel is still rejecting to restore the occupied Syrian Golan to its homeland Syria and to comply with the international legitimacy resolutions, particularly the Security Council's resolution No. 497 for 1981 which considered Israel's decision to annex the occupied Syrian Golan as null and void and don't have any legal influence."

"Israel continues the policies of terrorism and repression against the Syrian citizens under the occupation in Golan, in addition to starting a constant campaign to divide the occupied Syrian Golan and its geographical connection with its homeland Syria through building a racial separation wall to the east of Majdal Shams town with the aim of embodying a new political and security reality," al-Jafari said.

He went on saying "We submitted a formal complaint to the UN Secretary General in this regard demanding the UN and its Security Council to shoulder their responsibilities and to take all the required measures against Israel immediately to stop this procedure, yet regrettably we didn't receive any attention and we are displeased as the UN Secretary General didn't touch upon the occupied Syrian Golan today."

Al-Jaafari affirmed that the choice of just and comprehensive peace will not be achieved without Israel's full withdrawal from all the occupied Arab territories till the line of June 4th 1967, in addition to establishing the independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital and finding a just solution to the issue of the refugees based on the resolution No. 194 for 1948 away from any partial or interim solutions in this regard.

He added that they way to peace in the region has been blocked due to the Israeli obstinacy which is limitlessly backed by America and some of the Western countries, and this is why the Arabs are so frustrated and angry, stressing that the only obstacle facing peace in the region is Israel and this is admitted by even the Israeli officials themselves.

He went on saying "We are deeply concerned and regretful that some of the permanent representatives continue to tackle the current events in Syria in their statements within the provision dubbed (Situation in the Middle East) with the same hostile and provocative language which aims at provoking the toppling of the legitimate governments and spreading instability and chaos, in addition to tampering with the fate of the nations"

"It is strange that the countries which pretend that they are keen on Syria's stability and security are still rejecting to encourage the national dialogue and the ongoing serious reforms in the country in the framework of implementing the comprehensive reform program which is scheduled to be accomplished in less than six months," al-Jafari said.

He added "We will not use our right to reply regarding the statements of some colleagues as we don't believe that this provision is related to their plots which aim at diverting the attention from the continuation of Israel's occupation of the Arab territories including Palestine, Golan and South Lebanon, in addition to Israel's crimes and settlement building."

He affirmed that Syria strongly condemns what was said by the EU Representative against it and its leadership, adding that it will not retaliate in the same way as it respects the UN principles and the noninterference in the internal affairs of the member states.

Story Code: 68820

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