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Israeli prisons overcrowded with Palestinians

21 Feb 2024 - 19:27

Israel said Tuesday that it is struggling to find locations to house Palestinians amid overcrowding in cells due to widespread arrests in the occupied West Bank and Gaza since Oct. 7.

''It is expected that 888 additional places for detention will be added in seven prisons over the coming months, utilizing public spaces such as canteens and dining rooms,'' said a report presented by the Israeli Prison Service to the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, to discuss solutions following prison overcrowding, the local newspaper Calcalist reported.
''Around 91% of Palestinian prisoners are currently held in conditions that do not meet the Supreme Court's requirement of providing the minimum living space,'' it said.
Earlier on Tuesday, the Israeli organization Physicians for Human Rights revealed dozens of testimonies regarding Israeli violations including beatings, mistreatment, sexual insults and medical neglect of Palestinian detainees since the start of Israel’s war on Gaza.
It emphasized that the severe violence inflicted on Palestinian detainees amounts to the definition of torture according to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
A Palestinian youth has been killed by Israeli forces on Wednesday during an army military raid into the city and camp of Jenin, north of the occupied West Bank, last night.

Medical sources said that Arif Marwan Arif Ali, 26, from the village of Kafr Qaddum in Qalqilya, was killed during the Israeli occupation forces’ storming of Jenin’s and camp.
Large forces from the occupation army stormed Jenin from Nazareth and Haifa Streets, after an undercover Israeli force besieged two houses in the camp, sparking violent confrontations, during which three Palestinians were injured, one of whom was reported to have been seriously injured.

Story Code: 625981

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