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Pres. Raisi: Recent insane actions last struggles of the falling Zionist regime

3 Apr 2024 - 21:25

The President described the recent insane actions of the Zionist regime as the last struggles of this falling regime and stated, “Today, it has been proven to everyone that the criminal Zionist regime does not adhere to any of the humanitarian and international principles, and it is more unfortunate that America and some western continues are providing financial, weaponry and media support to this regime”.

The President of Syria stated that with this crime, the Zionist regime seeks to escape from the predicament it is caught in by the Palestinian Islamic resistance in Gaza, and emphasised the need to support the axis of resistance and punish this criminal regime.
Referring to the personality dimensions of Major General Martyr Zahedi, one of the senior commanders of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, who was martyred in the terrorist attack of the Zionist regime, Bashar Assad said, “This high-ranking martyr had a distinguished personality and a humble hero, who, like the martyrs of Syria, is valuable for our nation”.
In this telephone conversation, while appreciating the Syrian President's expression of sympathy and condolence, Dr Raisi called this terrorist and criminal act as a sign of the depth of desperation and helplessness of the Zionist regime and emphasised, “Undoubtedly, this regime and its supporters will be punished for this terrorist act and brutal crimes in Gaza and the punishment of the perpetrators of this crime is definite and unchangeable”.
The President stated that the Islamic Republic of Iran and Syria have always considered this regime a cancerous tumour and disturbs security, peace and stability in the region and the world, and stressed the need to strengthen regional and international cooperation between the two countries to deal with the criminality of this regime and said, “Unfortunately, the passivity and weak position caused by the fear of some Arab countries has prevented the Islamic world from adopting a united position against the Zionist regime and has caused this regime to become more brazen in committing crimes”.
The President described the recent insane actions of the Zionist regime as the last struggles of this falling regime and stated, “Today, it has been proven to everyone that the criminal Zionist regime does not adhere to any of the humanitarian and international principles, and it is more unfortunate that America and some western continues are providing financial, weaponry and media support to this regime”.
The President stated that Major General Zahedi has been the source of valuable and honourable services in the protection of high Islamic and human values in the region for many years, and the pure blood of him and his comrades will deepen the unbreakable bonds between the two nations of Iran and Syria, and emphasised the development and promotion of cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Syria in various fields against the will of the enemies of the two countries and two nations.

Story Code: 630408

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