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Friday Platform

Obama speech, Lebanon sermon focal point

TNA - Beirut

25 Sep 2011 - 9:45

"Obama's recent statement demonstrate double standards"

Beirut - Taqrib News Agency (TNA) - The Palestinian Authority request to join the United Nations as a permanent member, formed the main point in this Friday sermons in Lebanon.

While minimizing the importance of this step, which recognizes the 1967 borders, equivalent to 22% of the occupied Palestine, speakers also condemned U.S. President Obama's speech in the Security Council, which proved the desperate defense of the Zionist entity.

The head of legitimacy council of Hezbollah, Sheikh Mohammed Yazbek described Obama's speech at the United Nations Association as an "Israeli" speech par excellence, saying: "This is the U.S-Zionist policy that is committed to "Israel's security and emphasizes the Jewish suffering and ignore the suffering of the Palestinian people."

"Obama missed only tears that refers to the U.S. veto in the face of is left of Palestine after each Zionist, even this, Obama do not allowed," he added sarcastically.

"Where is the world and the United Nations of what is going in Bahrain and Yemen, they do not dare even to talk about Bahrain, all of this as well as what is happening in Palestine of Jewdizing and building of settlements and the movement to prevent international recognition for what remains of the poor of Palestine." Wondering: Is it yet the time to raise the voice in the face of America?, Yazbek asked.

Meanwhile, Vice President of the Lebanese Higher Islamic Shiite Council, Sheikh Abdul Amir Kabalan also considered that "The conference of the Awakening in Iran is a great step to wake up from our sleep and put plans to save the countries and the people, and work for the benefit of the nation, then we will be advocates of honest work in the public interest."

He denounced the blood flowing in Bahrain saying that "Bahraini people is a peaceful people who demand for his rights and to reform his political system.

"Why they are dealing with him violently, this people did not demand to drop the system, but called for correcting the situation and the reform of the system and give rights to the people in security and stability of their position in their country," he said.

Kabalan added that "President Barack Obama does not recognize the existence of the Palestinian people, while some are still betting on America, which planted Israel in the heart of the Arab nation, urging the Arabs to move to support the Palestinian people and defend the rights of the nation."

"We demand a Palestinian state from the sea to the river and not on the 1967 borders, and we want to return the Palestinian people to their land and reject the settlement in all its forms, as well as we refuse what the U.S. President said, because Palestine of the Palestinian people," he concluded.

Sayed Ali Fadlallah, another Lebanese high-profile figure also considered that Western administrations which perceived weakness of the Zionist entity and its isolation, in light of what is happening in the Arab world, has worked to secure the widest possible protection to it, and sought to contain this step in its infancy and bypass it, calling for a return to direct negotiations with the enemy.

Fadlallah called on the Palestinian people to the stability at this stage, and not to ensconce all the false promises that have only the goal of cutting the time to exercise more of the settlement, and not make any concessions.

Fadlallah stressed that "Lebanon should stand with all its force and pride to confirm the ability of the small country to face of the most powerful force in this region, and liberate its territory through the cohesion of the resistance and his army and his people."

"This cannot be maintained but by deepen internal unity, hence we stand with all the calls to confirm the Islamic-Christian co-existence and partnership," he added.

Sheikh Afif Nabulsi, also in his sermon considered that America was and still lying on the Palestinian people, it was not at anytime with Palestinian legitimate rights, and with the aspirations enshrined in international law.

"Obama's recent statements demonstrate double standards in word and behavior and transactions between a State and another. He wants democracy and freedom for a people and do not want it for the other," Nabulsi said.

He concluded by questioning the U.S. role in the region "Which is a role against the freedoms and the independence of our people and against our issues and our legitimate rights."

"What Obama and other heads of arrogance shows, will strengthen our attachment to our land and our values, our religion and our right to resist occupation and the restoration of Palestine."

Meanwhile, Imam of Al-Quds Mosque Sheikh Maher Hammoud assured that the effort to extract a confession from the UN about the State of Palestine will have good result, saying that "this recognition will be a diplomatic victory that provides resistance moral support to ensure their continuity. And if it did not happen due to the American veto and Israeli pressure, this would constitute further evidence of U.S. sponsorship of "Israel".

Jaafari Premier Mufti Sheikh Ahmed Kabalan called on everyone to beware of jumping into the unknown, especially after expositing what was hidden of US in the Security Council publicly.

He said that "Obama, who explicitly declared that Israel's security is a priority, in spite of all its massacres and crimes against children, women and unarmed, is a flagrant violation of human rights, adding "They do not want peace in the region, but a new Middle East that serves Israel."

For his part, Chief of the "Qawlona w Al-A'amal" Assembly Sheikh Ahmad Qattan considered that the exit of some representatives of arrogant states of the Security Council during President Ahmadinejad's speech was a "Conclusive evidence on the strength of the Islamic Republic and its exclusive representation of the resistant line and anti-Zionist-American."

Imam of "Prophet Abraham" Mosque and President of "Olfa" Assembly, Sheikh Suhaib Habli condemned the assassination of former Afghan President Rabbani, who was a participant in the Conference of the Islamic awakening in Tehran, saying that "His life turned the tables and formed an expression of disruption of the minds.

"Our Islam is innocent of them and their ideas satanic."
He also congratulated the Grand Mufti of the Lebanese Republic, on his last stands, and wondered "If He will hold this position or will change it according to the illusions and promises spoken to him?"

On the other hand, Sheikh Habli pointed to the groups, which calls for weekly meetings using a faith mask and an interior that mean only to sedition and incitement against our brothers in Syria. He added that the revolutions in some Arab countries are not a revolution for living issues, but to re-call the Arab identity and pride that went long ago. Unlike Syria, this is witnessing events-driven by the “Conspirators to eliminate a country that support the resistance and Palestine and all the resistance fighters?"

In his turn, the Secretary-General of the "Islamic Unity Movement", Sheikh Bilal Shaaban called Arab revolutions for more glow in order to eradicate all east and west agents in our countries, by Saying:"Let our projects, goals and objectives, aim to establish the law of God and the religion of God in every place of our revolutions."
Sheikh Shaaban adviced the Palestinians to consider the model of Gaza, which defeated Israel because of the resistance project, Saying "Let us unite on a national project which is resisting the occupier."

Story Code: 64264

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