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Islamic Seminar in Lebanon

Historical ties and commonalities between Scholar Schools

Exclusive TNA - Beirut

21 Jan 2012 - 20:06

Adviser to the presidency of Iraq for Religious Affairs, His Eminence Dr. Sheikh Khalid Al Mulla stressed on the need to educate people the doctrines which they hold, because many Muslims are unaware of details of their doctrine, which keeps them away from it, calling to move away from the dispute which occurs in the understanding of the text by the scholars, because this dispute has existed since the era of the Prophet Muhammad (S).

His Eminence word came during the seminar entitled: "Historical ties and commonalities between Scholar Schools (Jabal Amel, Najaf, Al-Azhar, Qom), "Privacy and communication" that was held by the Association of Imam Sadiq (AS) to revive the Secular heritage, in cooperation with the World Assembly for Proximity of schools, on Friday in South Lebanon.

Sheikh Mullah talked about Proximity in Cairo as a common title, pointing out that "Late Sheikh Abdul-Majid Saleem was the first who contacted Imam Albroujourdi in Qom, which it was the first significant contact between two major Sunni and Shiite Scholars".

The Iraqi presidential adviser said that "Imam Albroujourdi sent him the book of "Mabsoot" of Sheikh Tusi, that impressed and benefited him in the matter of the comparative jurisprudence and from which he issued a fatwa of allowing to worship on the Shiite jurisprudence," noting that this opinion prior is for the Grand Imam Sheikh Shaltout.

In turn, member of the Central Council of Hezbollah, Sheikh Hassan Baghdadi stressed that "Ijtihad" is the basis of interdependence and communication, because it calls for the comparative jurisprudence and eliminates intolerance and extremism.

Sheikh Baghdadi pointed that the aim of this symposium is to found for the idea of ​​an annual subject able for evolution.

He also addressed the region's situation by saying: "today the American-Israeli forces are working to dismantle the unity of Muslims, but we are trying through our unity to drop this plan, and also through patience and endurance and the establishment of such seminars ".

The head of the Center of Islamic Studies at the Iranian Shura Council Sheikh Ahmed Mobalighi explained that "the focus on urban science as it is in a position to make a comparative jurisprudence," addng that "there is a difference between that someone does not belong to this urban Comparative jurisprudence and an urban capital do this scientific doctrine. " 

About the privacy enjoyed by Qom theological school, His Eminence said that "it finally got the aspects of the methodology of how to deal with contemporary issues and the importance of this is that this methodology will be taken into account if you do not move away from the path of jurisprudence."

Story Code: 80131

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