Publish date11 May 2020 - 19:49
Story Code : 462207

Trump culpable in deaths of thousands of Americans: Prof. Chomsky

Professor Noam Chomsky believes that Donald Trump is to blame for the deaths of thousands of Americans as he says the Republican president is using the coronavirus pandemic to improve his electoral prospects and line the pockets of big business.
Trump culpable in deaths of thousands of Americans: Prof. Chomsky
Speaking in an interview with The Guardian, the leading American political analyst and philosopher said Trump is pretending to be the US’ savior during the coronavirus crisis while at the same time he is stabbing average Americans in the back.

He argued that Trump had slashed government funding for healthcare and research into the fatal disease so that wealthy corporations could benefit.

“That’s something that Trump has been doing every year of his term, cutting it back more. So [his plan is] let’s continue to cut it back, let’s continue to make sure that the population is as vulnerable as we can make it, that it can suffer as much as possible, but will of course increase profits for his primary constituents in wealth and corporate power.”

Chomsky also said Trump has shirked his duties through making individual state governors shoulder responsibility for fighting the virus.
“It’s a great strategy for killing a lot of people and improving his electoral politics,” he said.

When asked if Trump was culpable in the deaths of Americans, Chomskey said, “Yes but it’s much worse than that, because the same is true internationally. To try and cover up his criminal attacks against the American people, which have been going on all of this time, he’s flailing about to try and find scapegoats.”

The Trump administration has been under harsh criticism over mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic which has so far infected over 1,367,900 and killed more than 80,700 people across the United States.

Chomsky also said that Trump’s decision to halt payments to the World Health Organization would result in deaths in Yemen and across the African continent.

On April 14, Trump announced that the US will no longer provide funding to the WHO, accusing the international body of mishandling the deadly flu-like pathogen.

Trump said the government’s review of the Geneva-based agency would take somewhere between “60 to 90 days.”