Publish date12 Aug 2023 - 19:31
Story Code : 603447

Attacks on Quran continue in Denmark

Attacks on the Muslim holy book, the Quran, continued on Friday by Danish anti-Islamic and ultranationalist group "Danske Patrioter" (Danish Patriots) despite wide-ranging condemnation.
Attacks on Quran continue in Denmark

Members of the group burned copies of the Quran in front of the Pakistani, Algerian, Indonesian, and Moroccan embassies, as well as a mosque in Copenhagen.
The perpetrators chanted anti-Islamic slogans during the provocative act, which took place under police protection.
Videos shared by the group on Facebook had previously been restricted.
Recent months have seen repeated acts of Quran burning, desecration, or attempts to do so by Islamophobic figures or groups, especially in northern European and Nordic countries, drawing outrage from Muslim countries and the world.
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