Publish date21 Jul 2013 - 14:39
Story Code : 136212
Iraqi Friday prayer leader warns:

“Shia Sunni unity is a thorn in the side of enemies.”

An Iraqi senior cleric warned against efforts of the enemies to wage religious wars in Islamic countries stressing that Shia Sunni unity prayer is a thorn in the side of the enemies.
“Shia Sunni unity is a thorn in the side of enemies.”
Hujjat-ol-Islam Seyyed Mohammad Heidari, Friday prayer leader of Baghdad, in his weekly sermon referred to the importance of solidarity in Islam and warned against the strategy of Divide and Conquer as the plot of the enemies to disunite Muslims, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).

He said the objective of the enemies by fueling sectarian clashes is to access natural resources in Muslim countries.

This Iraqi scholar referred to the recent unrests in some Islamic countries and said,” Massacre of the civilians and terror attacks in Syria, Iraq, Egypt and other Middle East countries is due to dispersion of Muslim communities against their shared enemy, the Zionist regime of Israel.”

He highlighted the importance of Palestine for Islamic and international communities saying,” This oppressed country has been looted by oppressors like the Zionist regime of Israel for long years.”

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