Publish date31 Aug 2013 - 14:00
Story Code : 139428
Iranian cleric condemned:

Arab states green light for US, Israel war mongering in Syria

Prayer leader of Tabriz city in Iran warned against warmongering of some western countries in the Middle East saying any intrusion into Syria will make a hell of Tel Aviv.
Arab states green light for US, Israel war mongering in Syria
Grand Ayatollah Mohsen Shabestari, Representative of the Supreme Leader in Eastern Azerbaijan Province, in his weekly Friday prayer sermon referred to the possible military attack of the western countries to Syria saying that the move aims at guaranteeing the security for the Zionist regime, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).

He said,” Just opposite to what the western countries aim at, it is the security of the Zionist regime which will be at the highest risk if a military invasion happens in Syria.” And noted any attack to the country will make a hell of Tel Aviv.

Representative of the Assembly of Experts stressed that beating the war drums by the west and their allies means the failure of Syrian terrorists against the army and said, “The US and Zionist regime, following several victories earned by the army, proposed military option which has been rejected by Russia, China and even some European countries.”

Iranian cleric expressed regret that some Persian Gulf and Middle East Arab states have shown the green light to the US and Zionist regime clearly announcing their support for war and bloodshed.

“If Syria is attacked, certainly not only the Zionist Regime but also all western-backed governments in the region will lose their stance.” Ayatollah Shabestari highlighted.
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