Publish date7 Oct 2013 - 11:00
Story Code : 142533

“Qur’anic Prayers” published

Holy book of Islam has become the main source for another book by late Iranian author which has recently been released by Arma Nashr Publication.
“Qur’anic Prayers” published

“Qur’anic Prayers” is the latest book in Persian language by late Allameh Seyyed Mohammad Hassan Mir Jahani collected by Ahmad Moghimi, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).

The author focuses on explaining the world “Rabb” (God) and all prayers starting with the world “Rabbana” (Our God Almighty).

According to the author a way for fulfillment of prayers is to read prayers in their original language of Arabic.

There are several prayers by prophets besides the prayers which directly address God Almighty; therefore, it has been quite important to collect them in a single source.

The author opens this book with a foreword that runs,” The name “Rabb” is a key to achieve perfection for man and that is the reason holy book of Islam call God Almighty with the name “Rabb” in many verses.”