Publish date14 Mar 2021 - 8:41
Story Code : 496432

Syria denies having secret talks with Israeli regime

Syria has dismissed reports on its secret talks with the Zionist regime as nothing more than media fabrications, a media source has stressed.
Syria denies having secret talks with Israeli regime
“Rumors and false news have recently increased about secret negotiations and discussions between Syria and the Zionist entity,” the source said in a statement to SANA, affirming that Syria’s stance has always been transparent and clear in dealing with this issue.

The source added that Syria has never followed the method of secret negotiations with the Zionist entity, based on its conviction that any negotiations should come in the interest of Syria and its people.

All that has been done by Syria was in public, and it will not be, whether in the present or future, except in public, so any reports about secret negotiations or discussions between Syria and the Zionist entity are no more than media and political fabrications, the source stressed.

In the same context, the SANA cited the source that what was circulated during the program of “Qusara Alqawl” ( short talk )  on RT channel about inviting an Israeli Rabbi to Syria and talking about secret and personal discussions being held between the two sides to sign a peace treaty is categorically untrue.