Publish date12 Mar 2022 - 14:00
Story Code : 541693

Iran's oil ministry says exports hiked without nuclear agreement

Iranian Oil Minister announced that despite US sanctions, Iran's oil exports have increased during the current Iranian year before a nuclear deal is reached.
Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji said on Saturday that in recent months the United States has repeatedly seized oil tankers carrying Iran's oil shipment to halt the country's export.

Saying that the enemies made any efforts to halt Iran's oil export, he added that the Iranian Ministry of Oil managed to increase the export of crude oil and the export of gas condensate under the new Iranian administration.

Iran’s oil export in the current Iranian year has increased despite tough sanctions and without waiting for reaching an agreement in Vienna talks, he said, adding that the failure in halting Iran's oil exports disappointed the enemies.

"Return of revenues from the sale of crude oil, gas condensate, gas exports, petroleum products, and petrochemical products has increased 2.5 times compared to last year (1399 (March 21, 2020-2021))," Javad Owji said earlier in an interview with the Iranian news channel IRINN TV.