The head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization (AEOI) has noted that there is no nuclear substance unannounced in the Iranian facilities, despite the IAEA's claim.
With the American side's lack of will to return to the Iranian international nuclear agreement, the E3 countries (UK, France, Germany) led by the US, mingled with the Israeli lobbying pressure, the IAEA's Board of Governor (BOG) issue a resolution against Iran.
The resolution ignored the extensive cooperation of Iran with the IAEA; so Iran's atomic energy organization switched off its online cameras installed in the nuclear sites voluntarily beyond the IAEA's safeguard.
Mohammad Eslami pointed out that Ian's nuclear activities would remain peaceful under the comprehensive safeguard of the IAEA, so any expression of concern by the agency was senseless.
Iran has signed the international Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) and undertaken cooperation beyond its commitments to the IAEA comprehensive safeguard and additional protocol.
During the 20 years, Iran has had the most cooperation with International Atomic Energy Agency.
According to a 2021 report of the international body, 22 percent of the IAEA's inspections around the world have been carried out in Iran, while Iran has only 3 percent of the IAEA-covered total nuclear facilities throughout the world.