Publish date10 Oct 2022 - 16:00
Story Code : 567532
36th Unity Conference

Sanctities of all religions must be respected, Pakistani Cleric

Allamah Haidar Alavi, Pakistani Prominent Sunni Preacher and Cleric in his address in 36th Unity Conference stressed that all followers of religions should respect each other's sanctities
Sanctities of all religions must be respected, Pakistani Cleric
 In the Name of God, the Almighty
And hold fast to the rope of God all together, and do not be divided.
A poem by Allameh Iqbal
The poem translation:
Your God, Prophet and Quran are one
It would be nice if Muslims were united
These are divided into different sects and ethnicities
Is it possible to progress in the world with these issues?
They (Muslims of Sadr Islam) were dignified because they were true Muslims
And we were humiliated because we abandoned the Quran
The content of the Quran, the spirit of faith, the soul of religion
Are love for (people of) the world
Reach yourself to Mustafa, who is all the religion
If you don't reach him, it's all vain
Mohammad who is the honour of both houses (worlds)
Soil over the person who is not the soil in front of his door
Today, on the occasion of the Unity Week of the World Islamic Unity Conference, which is being held in Iran, the message I want to give is not only for the scholars and scientists of the Islamic world, but also for the individual of the Islamic Ummah. The people who have a sense of humanity and an awakened spirit, and their conscience is awake, and those who have the pain of the Ummah in their hearts and believe that the Muslim Ummah should have been a single (united) Ummah.
My message is for all of them. The Holy Quran clearly instructs you to hold fast to God's rope and avoid division. What is meant by the rope of God is the Supreme Being, the prophet's essence, the Holy Quran and also the family of the Prophet. All these are tools of Muslims unity. Monotheism unites the greatness of the Ummah. The creed of the mission of the Muslims connects them together, and the creed and faith we have in the Quran binds the Ummah. Also, the faith and love we have for the family of Muhammad unites us.
When the Prophet of God (PBUH) started his efforts to guide, were people united at that time? No, it was not like that at all, but everyone was divided into different tribes and groups. And they fought each other for forty years over small issues such as watering animals and running horses. They considered themselves Arabs and the world as Ajam (non-Arab) and considered themselves superior. For the first time, the religion of Islam gave this message that no white is superior to black, no black is superior to white, no Arab is superior to non-Arab, and no non-Arab is superior to an Arab, except the one who has piety and fear of God and holds on to the rope of God, that person has honour and superiority. Is. The religion of Islam united people who had different languages ​​and tribes, and unified colour, generation, and ethnic groups. The religion of Islam displayed a unique example of brotherhood.
Would it be possible for the people of Madinah to become Ansar and welcome the immigrants of Makkah in such a way that people who had nothing of their own became brothers with the blessing of Islamic brotherhood in such a way that they did not feel alienated at all? And they were not thinking about the house and food. How was this possible? Even now, we are still enjoying the brotherhood of Medina, but with the passing of 1400 years, the history could not bring the similar kind of brotherhood. This example was given to us by the Prophet of God that at the time of the conquest of Mecca, the leaders of Mecca, who never allowed the poor to pray and enter the Kaaba, when it came time to give the call to prayer, a person who had been enslaved for generations, that is Hazrat Bilal ibn Rabah came and called the call to prayer on top of the Kaaba. This is the Muhammadan equality in which no one has superiority over another on the basis of having a lot of money or belonging to a certain tribe. Rather, Islam united humanity here. It united people who had different opinions. It united the people who worshiped 360 idols. It brought them together on the basis of monotheism and under the flag of Muhammad, and changed their enmity to friendship and calmed their anger. To the level that the Quran testified for them that they are strict and against the unbelievers, but they are very kind to each other. According to Allameh Iqbal:
(The poem translation)
A believer is soft like silk when he is beside of friends
But in the battlefield of truth and falsehood is hard as steel
Currently, the Muslim Ummah all over the world has been taken hostage by the mercenaries of the enemy, while if we look at the internal differences of Muslims, it is not more than one or two percent. But their points of commonality and unity are 98%. What is discussed in social networks and media, are the things that divide the Ummah, the things that make the Ummah distance from each other. Islam and Quran came to make us a single nation. The meaning of Ummah is that everyone is one soul and one form. And be united against the enemy and disbelief. But it is our misfortune that we always had disagreements. Now that the world is moving towards a global village, the Muslim Ummah should also think that our enemy is united against us in the form. Therefore, we should also unite for the betterment of the Ummah of our Lord (Hazrat Muhammad) and reduce the oppression and problems that Muslims have and become one Muslim body. The meaning of unity and a single body is that if a thorn goes inside of the body of a Muslim in Kabul, Muslims in India feel that pain. Today we must revive and awaken this sympathy.
And as the leader of Iran has issued a Fatwa and has given this message to the Muslim Ummah that we should not be divided, but we should respect each other's sanctities, and whoever does not respect each other's sanctities is neither a Sunni nor a Shia, but a mercenary of foreigners. Come and accept this message with your heart and soul and respect each other's sanctities and if you look carefully you will see that these are your own sanctities, but for this it is time for us to open our minds and now the Muslim Ummah vastly needs these kinds of conferences in which scholars and scientists from all over the world gather and talk about unity. Once again, I thank all my friends who gave me the opportunity to present my message in this conference.
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