Publish date12 Oct 2022 - 22:40
Story Code : 567824
36th Unity Conference

WFPIST has made great efforts for approximation of different Islamic denominations, create unity: Pakistani scholar

International Deputy of the Shia Muslim Unity Assembly, Sayyid Shafqat Hussain Shirazi in his speech at 36th Unity conference hailed World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought for approximation of different Islamic denominations and create unity and solidarity.
WFPIST has made great efforts for approximation of different Islamic denominations, create unity: Pakistani scholar
 Shirazi's address is below:
Peace Be Upon Prophet of Islam and His Family
 With Greetings to all Distinguished Participants,
 At the outset I would like to extend my congratulations to all participants and express my gratitude to the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought. The Forum has made great efforts for approximation of different Islamic denominations and create unity and solidarity and Islamic brotherhood. All these moves started in Iran under leadership of the late Imam Khomeini.
          Before the Islamic revolution in Iran, this country was strategic place for US intelligence and Zionist regime. Iran at that time was under influence of arrogant powers. The friends of Iran were those who were friends with arrogant powers and they did not think about the benefits of their people.
          After the victory of Islamic revolution, defeated all the conspiracies provided by arrogant powers for creating disunion among Islamic Ummah and different Islamic denominations. It is normal the Islamic Ummah stand against all these conspiracies.
          The late Imam Khomeini, was aware about all these conspiracies. He understood very well the dangerous aspects of this issue. That is why he always pointed out to Islamic unity. The late Imam used all the opportunities to emphasized on the danger of disunion and disunity and the creation of gap among Islamic Ummah. The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei continued the path of Imam Khomeini and thus tried to destroy the conspiracies of enemies.
          Today the issue of Islamic solidarity is one of the most important issues which was raised during the beginning of Islam too. The Prophet of Islam always invited the Muslims to unity of Islam. Islam never considered differences among colors, sex, language or ethnics, and races.
           The issue of Islamic unity is very important issue from the beginning of Islam. The Prophet reached certain mechanisms and I would like to refer to some of them:
1_wisdom and good preaching
          The God Almighty say in holy Quran:
Which means invite your people on the basis of wisdom and knowledge and make reason on the basic of best method.
2 _ Peace and Efforts
The second way for materializing Islamic Unity is to rely on peace and good efforts. This is the strategy taken by sagged people, so that to create unity and solidarity among Muslims.
3_ Forgiveness
The other mechanism is forgiveness. By this mechanism we can materialize the Islamic unity and by relying on forgiveness Muslims can forget their dispute and try to strengthen their unity. This mechanism can provide new opportunity for solidarity and unity.
4_ Confronting aggression
The fourth mechanism is fighting against aggression. In fact, aggression is one of the reason for disunion. The aggression might take place by the cruel leaders or and powerful army. Under such conditions the gap will create among Islamic Ummah therefore we should fight against aggressors.
5_ Relying on knowledge and science
Relying on knowledge is important for creating unity. One of the reason for disunity among Muslims is wrong fatwa and wrong advice by the spiritual clerics. The holy Quran invite all Muslims to do things based on true and scientific knowledge.
6_ Interaction
Interaction is very much important. at the same time, we should do searching to make sure that Muslims do not make mistakes. At the same time, we should have interactions and we should not search only their faults.
7_ Sacrifice
The Prophet of Islam was the symbol of sacrifice. He even went to see that Jewish person who insult him. So holding conferences among Muslims and participants of Shiite and Sunni elites in these conferences can play important role in the unity of Islam. By holding these conferences and seminars all the misunderstanding can be solving among Muslims.
8_Peaceful Coexistence
Peaceful coexistence in the Islamic societies is one of the most important mechanism for Islamic unity and brotherhood. Holy Quran also refer to peaceful coexistence in the Islamic societies without considering denominations, ideologies, political beliefs.
          At the end, I would like to mention that Islam always emphasize on strengthening unity and solidarity on the basis of monotheism. The Prophet of Islam always invited Muslims to unity. It was the God Almighty who wanted the Prophet of Islam to be the last prophet and Islam to be the last holy religion. The religion that invite people to divine justice, the justice that prevail over the world after oppression.
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