Publish date10 Oct 2022 - 23:46
Story Code : 567852
36th Unity Conference

Scholar introduces ways to promote unity of Muslims

University faculty member and political analyst, Imad Hamrouni from France in his speech highlighted the methods of the domination system which aims to destroy the unity of Muslims and promote terrorism, and introduced ways to counter them.
Scholar introduces ways to promote unity of Muslims
 In the name of Allah
the Beneficent, the Merciful
Peace and Blessings be upon the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his pure progeny...
Dear brothers and sisters,
        I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity to participate with you in the 36th conference of the Islamic Unity. I greet all the organizers of this conference who have worked hard to bring the Islamic Ummah closer to each other; and I am extremely grateful to them.
        This time, I have decided to talk about the issue of Islamic unity and countering terrorism, and basically to talk about the methods of the domination system which aims to destroy the unity of Muslims and promote terrorism, and I shall try to introduce ways to counter them. With the limited time I have, I will try to touch upon a few topics and ideas.
        First of all, according to the history, the Holy Qur'an was created by the Almighty Allah; by the One who created our world. So, Islam is not just a religion, but the structure of relationships between humans and even nature; and the message that we are referring to is to build unity, meaning that Islam is the religion of unity.
        For the first time, the Holy Prophet formed his first group in Mecca and the second group was formed in Medina, which started to establish the elements of an Islamic society based on unity, which means that unity is one of its main pillars. The two factors that form an Islamic society are unity and justice; so the two factors that form an Islamic society are unity and justice.
        Unity is the element that Allah Almighty Himself bestows upon us men. It means to be in the service of the people, and this is what being a Muslim means. This is the reason why Allah established laws, which are called Shari’a; it is to establish justice between brothers and sisters.
        Following the establishment of the Islamic community in Medina, the enemy has always sought to break this chain of unity, and twenty-five years later we witnessed an internal war in which at first they were with Omar Ibn al-Khattab, the second Caliph, and with the Holy Prophet, and third with Omar, Uthman. They assassinated Imam Ali, Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain in Karbala, so that was a big massacre.
So, where do these originate from?
        It originates from the time that the chain of unity has been broken and separated; then the enemy or the infidels, the disbelievers of the Muslim community and the hypocrites have acted from outside, and this is why Allah says in the Qur'an … (verse of the Qur'an).
        Therefore, justice and unity are the important elements that make up the Islamic society in the sense of the Islamic religion are unity between black and white, between Persians, Romans, Arabs, Turks, Indians and the structure of different ethnicities, and also between men and women, between old and young, between the rich and the poor. So this is the Islamic society and this is what being a Muslim means.
        Being a Muslim means living in the society. It doesn't mean that you love Allah alone or go to Hajj and do Tawaf of Makkah with millions of people and still be alone; it doesn't mean that you go to the Arbaeen of Hosseini with millions of people and still be alone. No, it is not so.
        The main structure and main pillars of Islam is unity; unity between husband and wife; unity between families; unity within the neighborhood; unity within the village and unity in general within the Islamic Ummah.
        So, Imam Ali (a.s.), the Prophet (pbuh), the helpers and companions of the Holy Prophet sacrificed their lives and blood to keep the Islamic Ummah standing while the enemy has always tried to destroy this chain of unity.

        In modern history, in the fall of the Ottoman Empire and also in the fall of the Safavid Empire, we have seen Islam as a political power; the power that gives meaning to Islamic unity, was lost and we had to look for another affiliation; so the foreign enemy brought us an illusion ant it brought nationalism for us; belonging to a social class; belonging to a religious affiliation meaning Shi’a, Sunni, Wahhabi, Hanbali, Shafi'i, Maleki and etc...
        And now we have arrived at the discussion of secularism and extreme Islam (Taliban/ISIS). Therefore, you can see that the division making still exists; which is the result of the conspiracies of today's infidels and imperialism. They are not individuals. Disbelief and ifidelity کفر is a system. Kufr is a system. Today, Therefore the infidel system of imperialism has always been trying to break the unity between Muslims, unity in the family, unity in a city, unity in the country and unity between Muslim countries. And, thus, we reach the Muslim Ummah that exists in our imagination; and it does not exist in reality, in reality. We are a Ummah that is fighting among ourselves and we kill each other among ourselves. Thus, the enemy was able to infiltrate our society through hypocrites. They created the system of the hypocrites. We have two systems, the system of the infidels from outside and the system of the hypocrites from within; and these two systems work and strive in an evil system to break the chain of unity.
        Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says in Surah Al-Faslat: Those who say that our Lord is Allah and stand on the right path, the angels will descend upon them (and say to them) do not be afraid and do not be anxious, but they will bring good tidings of the Paradise that has been promised to you and We are your guardians in this life and in the hereafter, and you will have what your soul desires there, and you will speak the words of the Most Merciful and Most Beautiful Allah. The speech of the one who calls Allah and does good deeds opens and says, I am a Muslim; good and bad are not the same; so push evil away from yourself with something that is better.
        There, that nobody and nowhere familiar to you, He will be a close friend to you; but this privilege is given to those who were firm and given to those who have infinite grace; and if Satan provokes you toward otherwise, seek refuge in the Almighty Allah. Because He is All-Knowing and All-Hearing.
        The word "good" belongs to the Islamic Ummah and is opposed to the enemies who are called Satan. Satan has two systems: the system of infidels, and the system of hypocrites which sow discord and division.
        It has been centuries and centuries that we have not been able to create a proper Islamic Union organization, and, therefore, terrorist acts and terrorism have turned into important tools used by the systems of infidels and systems of hypocrites to frighten Muslims, to frighten scientists and to frighten those who lead the Islamic Ummah.
        An Islamic leader must fraternize with the members of the Islamic Ummah. So, you see that our action and behavior must be in the right and good direction, to the extent that my brother, who made a mistake and even wants to kill me, to turn into my friend; like what the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did to bring his first companions closer, or what Imam Ali (pbuh) did despite the wars they did against him; I mean internal wars. But he is able to differentiate between those who are hypocrites and those who do not have insight; and, thus, he always acts to preserve the Islamic unity.
        What the Infallible Imams (peace be upon them) have done is that they all gave their lives for one thing; and it is “unity” for preserving the Islamic Ummah. Because as long as there is unity, Islam feels good.
        Therefore, we see that as soon as the success of the Islamic Revolution in Iran was realized, the Late Imam Khomeini started his works. He worked for unity inside Iran and abroad. For him, there was no difference between Iranians, Muslims or non-Muslims. There was no difference between Muslims abroad, whether they are Sunnis or Shi’ites, and he identified the enemy, that is, America and Israel.
        We also see the work of Imam Khamenei, who has spent his whole life for the unity of the Ummah, the unity of resistance against the enemy and also against the hypocrites. So, Imam Khamenei also works on two levels; against the infidels and against the hypocrites.
        Therefore, we have to create united organizations, where we fight the external and internal enemy at the same time, because the internal enemy is also wild, very wild, to the extent that they can destroy everything we have built in the last 43 years.
        In conclusion, I thank you again and wish, from the bottom of my heart, for the success of the Conference of the Islamic Unity.
        I pray that the Almighty Allah will help you on the path of unity and forgive us our mistakes and accept us among the brothers of the Islamic Ummah. Soon, God willing.
 Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and Blessings.
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