Publish date23 Nov 2022 - 16:24
Story Code : 574356

Serbian translation of book “Imam Ali in View of Christian Arab Intellectuals” published

The Serbian translation of the book on the view of Christian intellectuals on the first Shia Imam has been published by Mirase Vahy publication.
Serbian translation of book “Imam Ali in View of Christian Arab Intellectuals” published
Written by Serbian researcher, author and translator, Aleksandar Dragovic, the book “Imam Ali in View of Christian Arab Intellectuals” has been translated into Serbian language, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA)
The book is based on a speech by author at webinar on “Imam Ali, Role model of Spirituality, Justice and Unity” held as a joint effort by Iran’s cultural attaché in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in Summer 2022.
A number of thinkers and researchers from the Balkan attended the virtual meeting and exchanged views on the high character of the first Shia Imam.
The author in part of the introduction to the book wrote,” Right after the holy Qur’an and lifestyle of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), the quotes by Imam Ali (AS) provides the vastest and most different number of social, political and religious recommendations to the man.”
“Since Sharif al-Razi wrote Nahj al-Balagha as a unique compilation of quotes, letters and wise recommendations, the book as influenced several Muslim and non-Muslim intellectuals from across the globe” continued the author in his introduction to the book.
According to Aleksandar Dragovic it is not surprising that the majority of renowned Christian Arab intellectuals, as mentioned in the title of the book, are among poets, authors, linguists and journalists.
He enumerated Mikhail Naeema, Lebanese author, Hanna Al-Fakhoury, Lebanese priest, George Jordac, Christian author and poet, Gibran Khalil Gibran, Lebanese writer and Abd al-Masih al-Antaki, Syrian poet among many other Christian figures from the Arab world mostly influenced by the first Shia Imam.