Publish date28 Feb 2023 - 13:48
Story Code : 585625

Muslims in Europe to ban Israeli dates in Ramadan

A new campaign has called on Muslims across Europe to boycott Israeli dates in Ramadan as part of efforts to voice solidarity with the Palestinians suffering from different human rights violations under Tel Aviv regime.
Muslims in Europe to ban Israeli dates in Ramadan
NGO Friends of Al Aqsa launched the campaign earlier this week, stressing that the boycott of Israeli dates would “send a powerful message of strength and unity against Israel’s oppression of the Palestinian people.”

The campaign also called for Muslims in Europe to “check the label of the dates” they will be buying during Ramadan, urging customers to not buy the product, “If it says Israel, West Bank or Jordan Valley.” 

Shamiul Joarder, a member of the UK-based Friends of Al-Aqsa (FOA) launched the campaign, recalling that Israel is the world’s largest producer of the type of date called Medjoul.

Around 50% of Israel’s dates are exported to Europe, according to FOA and then sold in major supermarkets as well the local shops across the continent.”

The campaign comes amid Israeli’s human rights violations against Palestinians.

Israeli troops continue to demolish Palestinian homes to increase their illegal settlement through violence.

Many Palestinians are also being killed on a weekly basis during different raids in occupied Palestinian lands, including the West Bank.

Ramadan, one of the holiest months in the Islamic calendar, is just a month away.
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