Publish date28 Aug 2023 - 14:30
Story Code : 605250
Iranian university professor stresses:

Attempts to undermine sublime status of Qur’an doomed to fail

Isfahan University Professor addressed an international webinar held to discuss the recent cases of Qur’an desecration in Europe stressing that attempts to undermine the sublime status of the holy book of Islam are all doomed to fail.
Attempts to undermine sublime status of Qur’an doomed to fail
The webinar “Mission of Muslim World Universities in Face of Desecration of Quran and Seerah Nabawi” was jointly organized Sunday by Iran’s University of Isfahan and Iraq’s Imam Kadhim (AS) University.

Mohammad Reza Sotudehnia, Iranian univerity professor in his remarks, urged the university scholars and figures to unite against the enemies of the Quran.

He also called for establishment of a center for monitoring issues related to the Holy Quran in the world.

Participants in this international webinar underlined that such acts of sacrilege violate basic rights and spread hate and discrimination.

Noufel Rahman al-Jabouri, the deputy chancellor of Imam Kadhim (AS) University, said at the online seminar that the recent Quran burnings are the results of direct and indirect failures to confront acts of sacrilege.

He stressed the need for raising awareness in society to stand up against such moves, adding that the necessity for respecting others’ beliefs, having tolerance, and having peaceful coexistence among followers of different faiths should promoted.

Al-Jabouri also called for legal measures to be taken against those who defile Muslim sanctities and against their supporters.

He added that burning and desecrating the Quran is the violation of basic rights of Muslims and spread the seeds of discrimination and hate among people.

Aqil Jassim Kadhim al-Muhammadawi, director of the Quran and Hadith department of Imam Kadhim University, speaking at the webinar, criticized lack of proper reaction from some officials and university scholars to the acts of Quran desecration.

He also called on Muslim students to be armed with the teachings of the Quran to confront deviated thoughts.

Al-Muhammadawi also stressed the need for developing Quranic centers and supporting Quranic projects and programs.

In recent weeks, Quran desecrations in Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands with government permission and police protection have drawn widespread anger and condemnations from the Muslim world.

The European countries allow the blasphemies to happen under the guise of the so-called freedom of speech despite wide condemnations from Muslim and non-Muslim states and even in the face of a UN Human Rights Council resolution against such acts.
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