Publish date31 Aug 2023 - 17:12
Story Code : 605571
Iran’s nuclear chief:

Sabotage attacks will not stop Tehran’s nuclear projects

Head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization (AEOI) has stressed in an interview that sanctions or sabotage attacks targeting the nuclear facilities in Iran are all futile as Tehran will not stop its nuclear programs.
Sabotage attacks will not stop Tehran’s nuclear projects
Speaking to Al-Jazeera, Eslami said that Iran will comply with its obligations under the nuclear deal only after the Western powers fully abide by their share of commitments, according to which they fully remove the sanctions.

In response to a question about the threats of the occupying Israeli regime, the AEOI chief said "Iran's nuclear program cannot be stopped by targeting nuclear facilities or sanctions. Targeting our nuclear facilities is futile and will be met with a decisive and devastating response." 

He emphasized that the Israeli regime's threats and capabilities to attack Iran's nuclear facilities are empty rhetoric and false claims.

Regarding resolving the outstanding issues with the International Atomic Energy Agency (AEOI), he also said that, "This year will be the year of the end of 'political uproar' related to Iran's nuclear program."

He went on to say that talks between Iran and the IAEA are continuing and recently the case of high-level enriched uranium particles was closed. Eslami emphasized that putting the IAEA surveillance cameras mostly depends on the commitment of the other parties to the nuclear agreement.

"Tehran is ready for constructive cooperation with its Arab neighbors in the nuclear field," he asserted at the end of the interview.