Iranian scholar: Takfiris has tarnished image of Islam
Iranian scholar Ayatollah Seyyed Nasir Hosseini stated the ideas and pens which try to kill and remove human beings so easily, are satanic ideas. The ideas are not Islamic ideas. They are away of Islam’s Shariah.
The thinker said, “This world should be full of peace, kindness, love, sincerity and friendship for all and they should be in paradise and away of hell. The human beings were those for whose comfort, all prophets braved hardships and troubles. So, the ideas and pens which try to kill and remove human beings so easily, are satanic ideas. The ideas are not Islamic ideas. They are away of Islam’s Shariah. Takfiris were those who tarnished image of Islam and portrayed it as a violent and criminal religion.”
What Takfiris try to present is not Islam, Ayatollah Seyyed Nasir Hosseini stressed and added, “Islam is what the school of Shiism, Ahl-ul-Bait, and Holy Quran do present. Life of human beings is important for God and all prophets have the come for protection of life of human beings. Therefore, we should try in any dimension to lead human beings to peace.”
“Economically, we should prepare economic structures so that human beings, Islamic community, religions community and Islamic Ummah will be in ease and comfort in terms of employment. Culturally and socially, there should be less vulnerabilities. There should be less challenges in family so that human beings will be at ease. We should prepare necessary cultural and spiritual infrastructures to avoid people suffering. They should not suffer in the world here after either,” the Islamic scholar concluded.