Dashtmian noted, "The 37th International Islamic Unity Conference deals with the question, “Is Islam the religion of peace and unity of Muslims or religion of war and dispersion?” concepts and recommendations all point to the fact that peace, kindness and responsibility towards each other and respecting each other’s rights are the most important goal and aim of commitment to religion.
The scholar noted, "There are three major elements in Maqasid al-Shari'ah: The first element is Purification of the Soul, the second is administration of justice and the third is observing social interests. All the three elements are helpful for community of mankind, including Muslims and non-Muslims, Purification of the Soul, Administration of Justice and Social Interests."
Dashtmian stated, "The more is our performance towards each other, other people and creatures consistent with religious injunctions, Quran and Prophet’s traditions, the more successful we will be and our functions and achievements will be based on divine boundaries and religious values. The more our behavior is distanced from religious injunctions and teachings of Prophet (PBUH), our standing as a Muslim and successor of God in this universe will be far."
To tread the path in the best possible manner, we need to have some strategies and breakthroughs. One of the major points here is that Ulima and the elite take common stances in connection with religious rituals like rituals of feasts. Common stances will help us act on divine rules. Two important principles need to be taken into consideration: God’s consent and distancing oneself of rebellion and sticking to idols in our life, the thinker stressed.
"The second important principle is a religious plan for integration and promoting cultural centers so that we will not use our instructions against other religions. The third point is removing discordant procedures and disciplines in countries and in international advertisements. Another point is establishing unity among Muslim countries in cultural, social, political, economic and security domains alike European Union.
Sunni scholar said at the end, "Among dire needs of the world of Islam today are peace, kindness, brotherhood, and unity in countries and internationally. Rulers, Ulima, thinkers, scientists and the elite should follow them and God willing we will not feel ashamed before God and human beings."